William Clare Roberts The Origin of Political Economy and the Descent of Marx And, putting his hand on mine with a cheerful glan ...
is no point looking for that “beyond” in Capital. The “1844 Manuscripts,”^1 The German Ideology,^2 and the Grundrisse^3 have fun ...
effort along the same lines: Marx wanted to reveal, in Capital, the inner work- ings of capitalism, thereby arming revolutionari ...
“the anatomy of bourgeois society is to be sought in political economy.” Only in London was he able to pursue his research syste ...
welcome. As to the prejudices of so-called public opinion, to which I have never made concessions, now as before the maxim of th ...
Empire. It is not something befalling him from beyond, but something he will make. Dante’s journey, in turn, radicalizes Aeneus’ ...
revealed to him in Hades, but it is not at all clear that they were bestowed upon him byhis descent. Dante, however, could not p ...
2. Marx as Guide Both preface citations were originally Virgil’s words to Dante. In repeating them, I suggest, Marx casts himsel ...
ration. Virgil implies that the only possible reasons the pilgrim would not enter Hell would be mistrust of his “master and auth ...
trust a scientist, it is no surprise that Marx dons the mantle of the scholar, highlighting his lengthy research, carried on und ...
ideology to reveal the real inner workings of society, and that the revolu- tionary must understand these real inner workings in ...
wish. Indeed, it is precisely this empirical warrant for hope that compels Hell so vehemently to demand that hope be abandoned. ...
capitalist mode of production rules,” respectively (1970:27; 1976:125). In the face of science’s claim to eternity, Marx has sim ...
an encounter with this limit, to the point where we can cross over this limit and leave political economy behind. 4. The Anatomy ...
of all others, and sinks Satan to the deepest point of Hell, where he gnaws on the sinners whose deeds bear the greatest verisim ...
of the work itself (Marx and Engels 1975 vol. 1:84). In its inner workings, Capitalconstitutes an Infernofor the capitalist era. ...
267). But Marx transforms the traditional problematic, for he does not treat usury as its own final term, but inscribes it withi ...
materials of production, and hire workers to do the producing. Capital seems to always presuppose itself. Therefore, Marx writes ...
sins, but also to grapple with the arkhèof those sins, Satan himself. In Aristo- telian terms, Satan is the pros henof infernal ...
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