system, with no way out except the eventual collapse of the biosphere. But this would be the case only if capital were indeed ab ...
themselves. Political economy, when followed into its inner sanctum, must give up its secret: property is founded on theft, orde ...
Or is it? Certainly it leads us to confrontactually existing capitalism, but does this confrontation constitute a critique? What ...
and letter, God is the ultimate signified, the spirit that animates every letter. Hell, being the furthest removed from God of a ...
(political economy). Furthermore, according to Marx, this signifier is charac- terized by reification, in much the same way that ...
concern. Claiming that Marx’s critique of political economy is ironic amounts to claiming that his text’s effectiveness, the way ...
Hell has the power to turn the soul toward it; if it succeeds, that soul does not notice the passage of time, even unto eternity ...
There is an admonition that runs throughout Marx’s corpus: don’t judge an individual, a class, an era, or a social formation by ...
More importantly – and this brings me to my third task – I think my out- line of a reading is productive. There is important wor ...
Part II: Critical Theory ...
Rudolf J. Siebert Toward a Dialectical Sociology of Religion: A Critique of Positivism and Clerico-Fascism It is the goal of thi ...
A. From Judaism to Enlightenment The main purpose of Hegel’s philosophy of religion had been the reconcili- ation of the modern ...
alone guarantees that the critical theory of society, or the new dialectical the- ory of religion, will not turn into an uncriti ...
Habermas 2001; 1991; 1998; 1990). The critical theory of religion aims at the mitigation at least, of the fast approaching globa ...
put him on his feet, on which, to a large extent, he stood already anyway. Thus, what Horkheimer and Adorno called the totally O ...
simply means the formal exclusion of theological or metaphysical presup- positions (Hegel 1986k:19–29). Agnosticism and Atheism ...
Theology as Theodicy The critical theory is no less a theodicy than Hegel’s historical idealism, or Marx’s historical materialis ...
It is not orientated toward the beginning, but rather toward the end: the last things rather than the first things. The Concept ...
Dialectics. Toward the end of this extraordinary book, which embraces the main accomplishment of his whole philosophical life wo ...
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