Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Muhammad: Victory and Death

having killed a Muslim with a millstone. Her expression of joy in the face
of death left A'isha with an unforgettable impression. The spoils are reported to have totalled 1500 swords, 300 coats of mail, 1000 spears, 1500 shields, wine (which was spilled out), camels and livestock. Muhammad took the Jewish Rayhana bt.Amr as a slave (concubine). Sa`d^65 is reported
to have died the same night, and the gates of Heaven are said to have been
open, and the throne is said to have shaken because of him.^66

Qur'an 33Qur'an 33Qur'an 33Qur'an 33 opens with a command addressed to Muhammad as a prophet,
which says that he was to fear God and not obey unbelievers and
hypocrites, but to follow what was revealed to him. The v. 3 gives the
command to trust God as Protector, and v. 4 rejects the pre-Islamic
declaration of divorce (cf. 59:2), and the pagan Arab customs concerning
the status of adopted sons. The v. 5 is about naming adopted sons, and v. 6
claims that Muhammad is nearer the believers than they are to themselves.
This verse also declares that Muhammad's wives are "the mothers of the
believers," and says that (Muhammad's) blood relatives are nearer than the
emigrants or the Medinans. The v. 7 makes an allusion to a covenant of
God, which was made with Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The vv. 9- 26
seem to refer to the battle of the ditch. The vv. 12f repeat the^67 words of the
hypocrites, v. 13 shows that some heeded them and left the field, although
they had covenanted not to desert (v. 15). The vv. 17f say that God will
punish those who desert and hinder others (from fighting), a^68 nd v. 20
voices the thoughts of the hypocrites. The v. 21 says that Muhammad is a
good example of a believer, and in v. 22 the believers are said to have seen
a confirmation of Muhammad's words when they saw the allies (the
Meccans and others). The v. 23 states that some kept their word (to fight),
while others did not. Much later, when Zayd b. Thabit was collecting verses
for the Qur'an he is reported to have found this verse only with Khuzayma
al-Ansari. In v. 25 God is said to have turned backed the unbel^69 ievers, v.
26 seems to mention the alleged treachery of the Banu Qurayza, and v. 27
seems to refer to their defeat. The vv. 28f confront Muhammad's wives

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