Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Muhammad: Victory and Death

were taken. In Medina, Muhammad asked for one of the beautiful female
captives and traded her for Muslim prisoners in the hands of polytheists.^143

Also during the 78th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Bashir b. Sad with 30 men to raid the Banu Murra in Fadak. They seized camels and sheep, but were then attacked and lost them soon afterwards. Bashir b. Sad
was reportedly killed, but then returned to Medina later to lead of force of
200 men to the same location. They are then said to have seized about 2000

In the 79th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Ghalib b. Abdullah with 130 men to raid the BanuUwal and the Banu Tha`laba. They killed
everyone they fought with and seized camels and sheep.^145

In the 80th month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Bashir b. Sad and 300 men to engageUyayna b. Hisn and part of the Ghatafan at Yaman and
Jamar. They took some camels, and on their return journey, they captured
two men who later accepted Islam and were set free.^146

During the 81st month after the Hijra, Muhammad and 2000 Muslims with
60 animals for sacrifice left for Mecca to perform the "`umra" which was
agreed upon the year before at Hudaybiya. The polytheists left Mecca, and
the Muslims entered. Muhammad circumambulated the pagan Ka'ba as he
was mounted on his camel, and then rode to Safa and Marwa. The sacrifices
were slaughtered near Marwa. Muhammad wanted to marry Maymuna bt.
al-Harith in Mecca, but on the fourth day, the Meccans asked Mu^147 hammad
to leave the city as he had agreed to the year before. The Muslims left
Mecca, and Muhammad had to consummate his marriage to Maymuna
outside of the town.^148

In the 82nd month after the Hijra, Muhammad sent Ibn Abu al-Awja with 50 men to raid the Banu Sulaym. The Muslims were surrounded and many were killed. Ibn Abu al-Awja was wounded, but was able to return to

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