The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Subject Index 625

Eating disorders, 526–532
consequences of, 528–529
definitions and prevalence, 526–528
etiology of, 529–532
biology, 529
demographics, 529
female gender role, 529–530
inventory of, 528
psychological factors, 531–532
societal factors, 530–531
Ecological momentary assessment (EMA), 511
Education, 184
division of labor in family and, 415
mortality and, 344
physical attractiveness and, 296, 299–304
EEOC.See Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC)
Effect size, 106
Egalitarian gender ideology, 68
economic independence of, 323
in friendship, 265
relationship satisfaction and, 323
view of, 320
Egoistic dominance, 166, 222
Electra complex, 146
EMA.See Ecological momentary assessment
Emotional bond challenge, as obstacle to
cross-sex friendships, 278
Emotional inexpressiveness, as a barrier to
closeness in friendship, 274–275
Emotional infidelity, 332–335
Emotional investment, 311
Emotional skills, 320
Emotional transmission, 324
Emotional versus sexual infidelity, 332
Emotionality, 3
Emotion-focused coping, 501
Emotion(s), 247–251
attributions for, 251
experience of, 247–249
expression of, 249–250
physiological measures of, 250–251
social role theory of, 256
Emotion words, 231
Empathy, sex differences in, 119–120
Empiricism, 30
division of labor and, 412
effects on women’s health, 444–446
sex differences in preferences, 457–458
time spent on household chores, 446–448
women’s employment effects on
marriage, 448
Empty nest, 289–291
Encoding, 237
Endocrine function, conflict discussion
and, 411
Entity theory, 211
gender-role socialization and, 158–164
advertisements, 163–164
books, 159–161
television, 161–163
toys, 158–159
hostile, 475, 481
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC), 475–476
Equality challenge, as obstacle to cross-sex
friendships, 278–279
Equitable relationships, 323

Equity, 323
in relationships, 324
Eros (romantic) love, 310–311
Estrogens, 136, 350–351
body image and, 516
divorce and, 395
gender-role stereotypes and, 83–84
homophily and, 282
morality and, 130
power distribution in marriages, 322–323
self-esteem and, 195
sexual attitudes and behaviors and, 126
single parent families and, 418
Etiology, 370, 529
Eveleth Mines case, 475
Evolutionary psychology, 143
Evolutionary Psychology(Buss), 143
Evolutionary theory, 301–302
jealousy and, 332
and sociobiology, 143–145
aggression, 144
hunter-gatherer society, 145
sexual behavior, 143–144
Exercise, 371–374
physical, 371–374
Expectancies, target-basedvs.category-based,
Expectancy/value model, 206–208
Expectations states theory, 252
Experimental study, 33–36
advantage of, 35–36
disadvantage of, 36
Experimenter effects, 40–44
communication of results, 42–44
data collection, 41–42
data interpretation, 42
question asked, 40–41
study design, 40–41
External attribution, 202
External validity, 36
Exposure, differential, 510
Externalizing behavior, 518
Extramarital affair, 319
Facts, 30
Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire, 363–364
Failing at Fairness: How America’s Schools
Cheat Girls (Sadker and Sadker),
Failure, attribution for, 203–204
Fairy tales, 159
Family (ies)
effect of women’s employment on, 446–448
paid workers role on, 452–453
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA),
Family capital, 465
Family Guy(cartoon), 96, 149
Family-Supportive Work Environment,
Family Ties, 95
Father Gander, 160
Father Knows Best(TV show), 441
FDA.See Federal Drug Administration (FDA)
of achievement, 186–190
of affiliation, 189
and gender-role strain, 63
of retaliation, 123
of success, 186–188
Federal Drug Administration (FDA), 20

susceptibility factors, 495
after widowhood, 490
DES.See Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
Desired characteristics in mate, 296–304
Desperate Housewives, 96
Development, psychosexual stages of, 146
Development of Sex Differences, The
(Maccoby), 53
Diabetes mellitus, 344–345
Diabetes, 369–371
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), 488, 518
Diana, Princes of Wales, 487
Diethylstilbestrol (DES), 139, 140
Different cause theory of depression, 496–497
Differential exposure hypothesis, 442, 510
Differential item functioning, 494
Differential vulnerability hypothesis, 442, 510
Diphtheria, 344
Disability, reading, 116
Discomfort, denial of discrimination to
avoid, 473
benevolent, 73
health and, 458–474
access discrimination, 458
denial of discrimination, 472–475
pay disparity, 461–462
treatment discrimination, 458
sex, 9, 97–99
Diseases, communicable, 319.See also
Dispositional attribution, 91–92
Dispositional level of analysis, 260–261
Distraction, as coping strategy, 502
Disturbed eating behavior, 527
Division of labor, 411–417
gender-role attitudes, 414
health and, 414–417
effects on well-being, 459–460
gender-role attitudes, 414
household labor and, 412–416
power and, 414–415
relationship commitment, 415–416
satisfaction with, 416–417
sexual orientation and, 457–458
work outside the home and, 415
marriage and, 411–417
women’s employment and, 412
custody of children, 417
health effects of, 406–407
strains from, 406–407
transition to, 408
Dizygotic twins (fraternal twins),
Djellaba, 12–13
egoistic, 166, 222
emotion and, 256
leadership and, 241
prosocial, 222
social dominance orientation, 71,
spousal abuse and, 429
Driving behavior, health and, 375–376
Drug use, 367–369
depression and, 495
prevalence, 368–369
Drug therapy, 356
Dual-earner couples, 447–448
job role quality and health in, 458
marital quality and health in, 412
Duluth model, 428

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