(avery) #1

Church, in order to be able, in this way, to manage the faithful at will.
But kindness and submission are totally different things. Somebody can
be submissive towards rules, apparently kind when facing society, but
be totally given to egoism and be a real “demon” as a person. Jesus
himself showed up this type of conduct when he described the
Pharisees as “whitened sepulchres”, so loving of the rules and rituals
and with so little love towards their fellow man. And on the contrary,
there are many good, honest people and no friends of hypocrisy, who
are viewed badly by others because they do not conform to the
established norms. They can even be considered dangerous and
despicable people, because by being honest and honourable, they
show up those who are not. There you have the example of Jesus.
Jesus was not submissive to the mandates of the authorities of the
Hebrew church, but rather he was brave and consistent with his
spiritual convictions, knowing that public preaching of his ideas would
bring him a lot of problems and he faced up to those who wanted to
silence him, not with the force of violence, but with the strength of truth
and love. It has happened like this with many people. History is filled
with cases of honest and good people who, through not being
“submissive” to those who commanded them, were tortured to death,
devoured by lions in a Roman circus, or burned at the stake on
charges of heresy or witchcraft. Even so, consider these people lucky
because they were free and they loved. For the harm that they had to
suffer from their less evolved brothers and sisters, they will have
received their just compensation. The situation of those who torture
themselves is far sadder, those who, subjected to such slavish rules,
have repressed their inner selves and their sensitivity, and live a useless
life full of bitterness, and who, at the height of delirium, also believe
that this sterile suffering makes them better people, because their
religion has made them believe this. But inside they envy those who
are free and really happy. Some, through envy, do everything possible
to embitter the lives of others, in particular, playing with the feeling of
guilt, which is something that they have learned so well, as this is the
method that the Church has used with them in order to be able to
annul their will.

What do you mean, they play with the feeling of guilt?
Well they try to blame others for their own malaise.

And what can be done to help people like these?
First, these people have to recognise that they have this problem, in
other words, that their will and their feelings are practically annulled by
the beliefs that they profess. This in itself would be a great step,

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