(avery) #1

path, make mistakes over and over again, learn through their own
experience and decide for themselves whether or not to alter the
course of their evolution, based on their life experiences.

This clarifies some doubts for me, but I still don ́t understand those first
stages in which you talk about the vital spark and incarnation in the
mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. What are beings supposed to
learn in these stages, as it appears that the primary spirits, the vital
sparks, the protospirits or whatever you wish to call them, are not
conscious of what they do?

In the same way as happens with new-born babies, although
incarnate spiritual beings are not even conscious of their own
existence in the first stages of their evolution, that doesn’t stop them
from learning, and what they learn remains in their spirit forever, in such
a way that, although this happens unconsciously until the spirits are
more advanced, when they start a new incarnation, they don’ t start
from scratch, but rather, with all the knowledge obtained from all
previous incarnations and the periods between incarnations.

You can understand spiritual evolution in the first stages by referring to
the evolution process of the species. You yourselves consider the
beginning of life to have occurred millions of years ago, when single-
cell beings that became progressively more complex, appeared on
earth, which gave rise to the initial differentiation between the animal
and plant kingdoms, and each kingdom evolving towards a gradual
increase in multiplicity and complexity of life forms from simpler forms.
For example, the animal kingdom evolved in a first stage from single-
cell beings into pluricellular beings. Later on, vertebrates appeared,
among them fish. Amphibians evolved out of fish, reptiles out of
amphibians, birds out of reptiles, mammals out of birds, in a process
which has lasted millions of years. Later on, hominids arose out of the
most advanced mammals, and from then on the successive species of
primitive men, who had an increasingly greater cranial capacity than
their ancestors, starting from Homo Habilis, passing through the
Neanderthal man, the Cro-magnon man until reaching the current
Homo Sapiens. In fact, this whole evolutionary process that occurs on a
physical level is directed from the spiritual world with the objective that
spirits in evolution find sufficient physical support to develop their
growing capacities, because for their progression they need to
experience physical life in all its manifestations, from the most simple to
the most advanced forms. The spiritually advanced entities are those
that stimulate the appearance of more evolved species in the physical
world, when there is a need to provide spiritual beings with more

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