(avery) #1

Life in other worlds

At the beginning, you talked about a plan that involves all beings of
creation and said that every planet has its corresponding astral
planet... Moreover, in many of your answers you mention, at the end,
what happens “in advanced worlds”. Although we haven’t specifically
talked about it, I deduce from all of this that there is intelligent life on
other planets.

Of course. The universe is very large. Throughout the whole universe
there are spirits in constant evolution that need incarnations in the
physical world, in order to advance on their path towards perfection.

And why don ́t we have manifest proof that extraterrestrial civilisations
or humanities exist?

Those humanities that are on the same level or are less advanced than
yours don’t yet have the technological means to travel to or contact
other worlds. The most advanced ones, that have the capacity to visit
your planet and to interact with you, try not to interfere in your
evolution, and intervene on your planet in a very subtle way. Even so,
there is a lot of proof of contact with beings from other worlds from
very ancient eras, which have been registered in the sacred books of
many civilisations (of course not under the name of extraterrestrials but
as gods or beings sent by gods). Nowadays, there are also many
sightings of spaceships which, due to their capacity for movement, far
exceed the achievements of your current technology. There are also
testimonies of people who have contacted beings from other worlds,
although your governments try to hide this, through fear of losing the
control they have over you.

When you talk about more advanced humanities, do you refer to those
more advanced technologically?

I refer to humanities that are more advanced spiritually, although
technologically they are also much more advanced than yours.

And are there humanities or civilisations that are technologically
advanced but are not spiritually more advanced than ours?

Yes, they actually exist. But what happens is that if they don’t follow the
law of love, they end up destroying themselves through a misuse of
technology, which they use for internal conflicts or against other
neighbouring civilisations. Only the ones that are built on the base of
love and respecting free will are lasting, as they don’t waste time,
resources and effort in destruction as opposed to construction. So in

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