(avery) #1

objective that we pursue. Forcing is not the way, because as I have
said, whatever is achieved by imposition or coercion is lost when the
coercing force disappears. Spirits would go back to the way they really
are and not how circumstances have obliged them to be.
Reincarnation and forgetting past lives are specifically designed so
that spirits experience free will and evolve through their own merit,
without any type of coercion. We have already talked extensively
about this before when we said that the spirits themselves choose
freely whether they wish to evolve or not and the kind of tests that they
wish to face in order to advance. Regarding the example that we
gave of children and school, the most spiritually advanced
educational tendencies, that have also reached your world, try not to
coerce children, but instead attempt to stimulate their own abilities, by
making learning attractive and not tedious, which is the best way for
children to learn, not out of obligation but rather out of devotion.

So what is the correct way for people to know the spiritual laws?
The only way is to preach by example and that is what the most
advanced spirits that have incarnated on Earth have done. I am
talking about Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Antulio and other
avatars or advanced beings that incarnated on Earth to teach the law
of love, the law of free will and the other spiritual laws. They made their
life into an example of personal application, a life that was in harmony
with the spiritual laws without forcing anybody to do the same.

Well the law of free will has not been clearly understood by the
supposed followers of Jesus, as they ended up imposing their beliefs on
others by force, through the use of violence, coercion, and fear. I refer
to the Catholic Church with the Inquisition and the Crusades.

So it is the followers who are not at the level of the message that they
claim to convey. But this is not the fault of Jesus or the avatars, but
rather it stems from egoism and the prevailing lack of evolution in your
world, which has led certain people to appropriate some ideas that
were true and distort them to control and manipulate others. Religions
and beliefs that impose or oblige will not make the spirit evolve, nor
can they be considered truthful or in harmony with God and superior
spirituality, as nobody who violates the law of free will can be
considered to be an intermediary of God or as someone who carries
out God ́s plan. Such beliefs will irremediably disappear from the Earth
in time. But we will talk about this subject more specifically some other
time, because it is quite important.

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