(avery) #1

the spiritual laws, we will receive a “spiritual bonus”, whereas if it goes
against the spiritual laws, we could say that a “spiritual debt “ has been
contracted. The “gathering of the harvest” will be delayed until the
spirits finish the test period, or when their incarnation comes to an end,
just like when you do an exam, you don’t know your mark until you
have completely finished the exam, nor do you wait until the teacher
has corrected the recently completed exercise before going on to the
next exercise. When it is an act in favour of the spiritual laws, we will
receive just compensation from the spiritual world at any moment,
although it won’t be immediate, but rather, just like when you do a job
by assignments you get paid for it once you have finished the job, not
while you are doing it. This “spiritual payment” will finally translate into
ascension of the spirits towards spheres of greater evolution where
more loving spirits live, once the incarnation has ended. In the case of
a spiritual debt, reparation will be delayed until the spirits decide of
their own accord to voluntarily make amends for the harm they
caused, which necessarily implies that the spirits have become
conscious of their own conduct. Through the law of free will they
cannot be forced to do it. It will be the spirits that decide when the
time comes to face those circumstances. But if they want to advance
spiritually, inevitably sooner or later, they must face them and repair
the damage that they did. Until this occurs, they will not face certain
tests. Nevertheless, once they finish their incarnation, the weight of the
acts committed against the law of love will keep them on the lower
levels of the astral world, where spirits of a similar condition to
themselves live and, due to their lack of harmony with the laws of love,
are dedicated to harming each other. As a result of this, life on those
levels is rather miserable and full of suffering for their inhabitants.

How do spirits become conscious of the harm they did to others?
At some point after disincarnation, spirits face going through an
exhaustive review of the most morally relevant events of their last life.
During that review of their life, for every situation lived, the spirits not
only perceive what they felt at that moment, but also simultaneously
perceive the feelings and emotions of the other beings that received
the consequences of their acts, perceiving their wellbeing or
discomfort as if these were their own.

What is the purpose of this review exactly?
So that spirits become conscious of the relevance of the decisions
made in life regarding the spiritual laws and regarding the
consequences of their acts upon others, whether they acted with love
or out of egoism, with the aim of helping them to evolve. And so that

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