Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

Have you run out of yarn yet? If not,
there will come a time when you run
out or want to change color. At that
time, you’ll need to know how to join
a new ball of yarn.


It’s better to join a new ball at the beginning of a row than in the middle. That
way, you can sew your loose ends into a seam or an edge. When your first ball of
yarn has length remaining that is less than four times the width of your knitting,
it’s time to change to a new ball. At that point, finish your row and cut off the old
yarn, leaving a 6-inchtail.

1 Tie a 6-inchend from your new ball snugly onto the tail of the old yarn.

How to Join New Yarn

Join New


2 Taking care not to confuse the new working yarn with the tied end, work
across the row as usual.
Note:When you finish your project, you can untie the knot and weave in the ends to hide them.

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