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G132 J 1 iii 32 12.TA.ÀM HV – Difference in cardinal numbers.^587
T 1 iii 17 14.TA.ÀM
G133 J T 1 iii 33 a-na OV – The preposition is written logographi-cally in T.
c 31 iii 9a’ iii 18 ana a-na

(^) G134 J
T^11 iii 33 iii 18 ana KUR ni-muš a-na KUR ni-muš SV(2) – c lacks the clarifying plus “mountain,” before the proper noun.šadû^588 ,
c 3 iii 9a’ a-na ni-muš
(^) G135 J
T^11 iii 34 iii 19 ni-muš kur ni-muš ing in T. OV – The determinative KUR, šadu, is lack-
(^) G136 J
T^11 iii 35 iii 20a uu^44 -ma -mu OV(l) – J has the wrong case vowel for the accusative singular.
c 3 iii 10a’ u 4 ˺-ma
(^) G137 J
T^1 iii 35 2-a OV – The ordinal number written without the phonetic complement in T.√šanû, “second,” is
c 31 iii 10a iii 20a^2 2-a
G138 J T 1 iii 35 u 4 -mu OV(l) – J has the wrong case vowel for the accusative singular. (^589)
c 31 iii 10a iii 20a uu^44 -ma -ma
(^587) The number of regions of land appearing after the flood waters recede in J is given as 12, whereas this
figure is given as 14 in T. The number of nagû, “regions,” varies between the sources, as in other texts as
well. See, for example, the eight nagû on the so-called ‘Babylonian Map of the World,’ BM92687 (see W.
Horowitz, Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography [Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1998] 30-40), and the seven
nagû mentioned in AO6478 (W. Horowitz, Cosmic Geography, 182). On the interpretation of the term
nagû here as referring to “temporary islands surrounded by the receding waters of the flood” see W.
Horowitz, 588 Cosmic Geography, 31.
See S. Parpola, The Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh: Cuneiform Text, Transliteration, Glos-
sary, Indices and Sign List (SAACT I; Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 1997) 111 and 146, for
the reading of the proper noun here as “ni- 589 ṣir.”
According to J. Hämeen-Anttila, Neo-Assyrian Grammar, 77, the case vowel /u/ represents both the
nominative and accusative singular in Neo-Assyrian. This also seems to be true for some manuscripts from
Babylonia, where manuscript j twice has /u/ for accusative singular (see G273 and G281 below).

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