1 duck
2 cupschestnutswithoutskins
2 cupswaterchestnuts
1 cupchoppedpork
1 cupbarley
(a) Soakthe chestnuts and the barleyin
coldwaterfor 1 hour.
(6) Openthebackoftheduckwithonecut
about 4 incheslong. Takeouttheboneswith-
(c) Wash the duck inside and out with
Chinese sauce. Saltthoroughlyandputinto
an oiledpan and fry for 10 minutes. Add
the Fun Wine. Turn the duck frequently.
Take from the stove and put into a bowl a
littlelargerthanthe duck.
(d) Filltheduckwiththechestnuts,barley,
nuts and any juice left in the frying-pan.
Steam for2l/^ hours.
(e) Getabowllargerthantheoneholding