Signifying the Transition from Modern to Post-Modern Schooling... 25 In Table 3, all the aforementioned resources of material cu ...
26 Kostas Dimopoulos Source: Personal archive. Figure 8. A classroom characterized by strong framing. The classroom presented in ...
Signifying the Transition from Modern to Post-Modern Schooling... 27 placement and thus it is highly likely to attract students‘ ...
28 Kostas Dimopoulos b) Students‘ seating arrangement seems readily adaptable since in the classroom there are only three revolv ...
Signifying the Transition from Modern to Post-Modern Schooling... 29 considered as a text cannot be read in oppositional ways. I ...
30 Kostas Dimopoulos Figure 10. The four identities according to Grid-Group Theory. In the later case strong classifications and ...
Signifying the Transition from Modern to Post-Modern Schooling... 31 multi-centered way), as a metaphoric image of wealth. Usual ...
32 Kostas Dimopoulos in consciousness, any attempt to redesign pedagogical places, whether material or semiotic, will only achie ...
Signifying the Transition from Modern to Post-Modern Schooling... 33 Day, C. (2007). Environment and Children. Oxford: Architect ...
34 Kostas Dimopoulos Kenway, J., Bullen, E., Fahey, J., Robb, S. (2006). Haunting the knowledge economy. London: Routlege. Koolh ...
Signifying the Transition from Modern to Post-Modern Schooling... 35 Sarakinioti, A., Tsatsaroni, A and Stamelos G. (in press). ...
In: Semiotics Theory and Applications ISBN 978-1-61728-992-7 Editor: Steven C. Hamel © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Chapte ...
38 Tahir Wood 1. INTRODUCTION My intentions in this chapter are to define the nature of a research programme on the co- evolutio ...
Beyond Signification: The Co-Evolution of Subject and Semiosis 39 relating to other species the third aspect, the symbolic, is e ...
40 Tahir Wood Among the many problems associated with this legacy is that it has left us with a chasm in theory between two type ...
Beyond Signification: The Co-Evolution of Subject and Semiosis 41 first ―humble, but real, manifestation of the symbolic functio ...
42 Tahir Wood topographical forms in four-dimensional space-time, to the single dimension of the linear utterance. Sebeok (1999) ...
Beyond Signification: The Co-Evolution of Subject and Semiosis 43 with associations of pleasurable satisfaction of hunger. One h ...
44 Tahir Wood Hegelian notion of ̳limit‘. Let us use Žižek‘s (2008, p. 110) admirably clear exposition of this: Boundary is the ...
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