Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

Pay Per Click
Entire books have been written about AdWords and how they
work. AdWords is the name of the Google Pay Per Click program. If
you pull up any Google search page, the AdWords advertisements
appear in the top two positions above the natural listings and also in the
boxes on the right of the page. For instance, if you searched the term
“real estate investing,” you would see ads appear on the page that
someone wrote and then submitted via their AdWords account.
Quite simply this is how it works: Your ads appear beside
related search results; people see the ad and click on it, and then connect
to your business. Rather than paying for an ad as in conventional
advertising, you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad to
get more information (hence the term “pay per click”).
Keywords are the backbone of this type of advertising. Within
your AdWords account you are able to enter keywords to use to
determine ad placement. A keyword bid is the amount of money that
you, as the advertiser, are willing to spend per click to get a prospect to
your site.
It’s easy to budget exactly how much you want to spend per day
on your venture and therefore you are totally in control at all times. It’s
important to note that all search engines offer some type of similar pay-
per-click advertising.
Setting up an AdWords account (or its equivalent) may be
something you want to explore as your business continues to grow.

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