Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

has been discussed at the proper place. What is the purpose in the context of II-l? Let
us see.
Anyone who is familiar with the goal of Yogic life and the kind of effort it in-
volves for its attainment will realize that it is neither possible nor advisable for any-
body who is absorbed in the life of the world and completely under the influence of
Klesas to plunge all at once into the regular practice of Yoga. If he is sufficiently in-
terested in the Yogic philosophy and wants to enter the path which leads to its goal he
should first accustom himself to discipline, should acquire the necessary knowledge of
the Dharma-Sastras and especially of the Yoga-Sastras and should reduce the intensity
of his egoism and all the other Klesas which are derived from it. The difference be-
tween the outlook and the life of the ordinary worldly man and the life which the Yogi
is required to live is so great that a sudden change from the one to the other is not pos-
sible and if attempted may produce a violent reaction in the mind of the aspirant,
throwing him back with still greater force into the life of the world. A preparatory pe-
riod of self-training in which he gradually assimilates the Yogic philosophy and its
technique and accustoms himself to self-discipline makes the transition from the one
life to the other easier and safer. It also incidentally enables the mere student to find
out whether he is sufficiently keen to adopt the Yogic life and make a serious attempt
to realize the Yogic ideal. There are too many cases of enthusiastic aspirants who for
no apparent reason cool off, or finding the Yogic discipline too irksome, give it up.
They are not yet ready for the Yogic life.
Even where there is present the required earnestness and the determination to
tread the path of Yoga it is necessary to establish a permanent mood and habit of pur-
suing its ideal. Mere wishing or willing is not enough. All the mental powers and de-
sires of the Sadhaka should be polarized and aligned with the Yogic ideal. Many aspi-
rants have very confused and sometimes totally wrong ideas with regard to the object
and technique of Yoga. Many of them have very exaggerated notions with regard to
their earnestness and capacity to tread the path of Yoga. Their ideas become clarified
and their capacity and earnestness are tested severely in trying to practise Kriya-Yoga.
They either emerge from the preliminary self-discipline with a clearly defined aim and
a determination and capacity to pursue it to the end with vigour and single-minded
devotion, or they gradually realize that they are not yet ready for the practice of Yoga
and decide to tune their aspiration to the lower key of mere intellectual study.

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