4-4 PROJECTILE MOTION 75 Sample Problem 4.05 Launched into the air from a water slide One of the most dramatic videos on the web ...
76 CHAPTER 4 MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS Uniform Circular Motion A particle is in uniform circular motionif it travels ar ...
4-5 UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION 77 Figure 4-17Particlepmoves in counter- clockwise uniform circular motion. (a) Its position and vel ...
78 CHAPTER 4 MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS 4-6RELATIVE MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION frames that move relative to each other at c ...
4-6 RELATIVE MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION 79 velocityvPBofPas measured by B plusthe velocity vBAofBas measured by A.” The term vBAis ...
80 CHAPTER 4 MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS 4-7RELATIVE MOTION IN TWO DIMENSIONS frames that move relative to each other at ...
REVIEW & SUMMARY 81 velocity of plane velocity of plane velocity of wind relative to ground relative to wind relative to ...
82 CHAPTER 4 MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS Figure 4-23Question 5. (a)(b)(c) Projectile Motion Projectile motionis the motio ...
QUESTIONS 83 launch speed but for a different launch angle. Does the fruitcake now land farther away or closer to the launch poi ...
84 CHAPTER 4 MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS Module 4-1 Position and Displacement •1 The position vector for an electron is . ...
PROBLEMS 85 ••27 A certain airplane has a speed of 290.0 km/h and is diving at an angle of 30.0° below the horizontal when the p ...
of 9.1 m, its velocity is , with horizontal and upward. (a) To what maximum height does the ball rise? (b) What total horizontal ...
PROBLEMS 87 the ball between hands during the flight, but it might also be sup- ported by the longer horizontal distance the pla ...
88 CHAPTER 4 MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS tip’s speed and (c) the magnitude of its acceleration? (d) What is the period of ...
PROBLEMS 89 ••74 After flying for 15 min in a wind blowing 42 km/h at an angle of 20° south of east, an airplane pilot is over a ...
87 A baseball is hit at ground level. The ball reaches its maximum height above ground level 3.0 s after being hit. Then 2.5 s a ...
PROBLEMS 91 95 Figure 4-53 shows the straight path of a particle across an xycoordinate system as the particle is ac- celerated ...
92 CHAPTER 4 MOTION IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS 113 Figure 4-57 shows the path taken by a drunk skunk over level ground, from in ...
PROBLEMS 93 130 Some state trooper departments use aircraft to enforce highway speed limits. Suppose that one of the airplanes h ...
94 What Is Physics? We have seen that part of physics is a study of motion, including accelerations, which are changes in veloci ...
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