QUESTIONS 115 7 July 17, 1981, Kansas City: The newly opened Hyatt Regency is packed with people listening and dancing to a band ...
••5 Three astronauts, propelled by jet backpacks, push and guide a 120 kg asteroid toward a processing dock, exerting the forces ...
Module 5-2 Some Particular Forces •13 Figure 5-33 shows an arrangement in which four disks are suspended by cords. The longer, t ...
•24 There are two horizontal forces on the 2.0 kg box in the over- head view of Fig. 5-38 but only one (of magnitude F 1 20 N) ...
stant speed up a frictionless ramp ( 30.0) by a horizontal force . What are the magnitudes of (a) and (b) the force on the crat ...
120 CHAPTER 5 FORCE AND MOTION—I A B Fa (a) B A Fa (b) Figure 5-51 Problem 56. ••48 In Fig. 5-44, elevator cabs AandBare con- ne ...
PROBLEMS 121 (b) with an upward acceleration of 1.30 m/s^2? (Hint:A free-body dia- gram can really help.) If the rope on the rig ...
antioxidants (m 1 1.0 kg) on a fric- tionless inclined surface is con- nected to a tin of corned beef (m 2 2.0 kg). The pulley ...
PROBLEMS 123 What is the upward force on the open parachute from the air? (b) What is the downward force on the parachute from t ...
124 What Is Physics? In this chapter we focus on the physics of three common types of force: frictional force, drag force, and c ...
6-1 FRICTION 125 (a) (b) (c) (d) fs fs fs Fg Fg Fg Fg F F F FN FN FN There is no attempt FN at sliding. Thus, no friction and no ...
126 CHAPTER 6 FORCE AND MOTION—II Figures 6-1c and 6-1dshow that as you increase the magnitude of your applied force, the magnit ...
many contact points do cold-weld together. These welds produce static friction when an applied force attempts to slide the surfa ...
128 CHAPTER 6 FORCE AND MOTION—II Checkpoint 1 A block lies on a floor. (a) What is the magnitude of the frictional force on it ...
6-1 FRICTION 129 Inserting the initial speed v 0 10.0 m/s, the final speed v0, and the coefficient of kinetic friction mk0.60 ...
130 CHAPTER 6 FORCE AND MOTION—II force, not the full force. From Sample Problem 5.04 (see Fig. 5-15i), we write that balance as ...
whereris the air density (mass per volume) and Ais the effective cross-sectional area of the body (the area of a cross section t ...
132 CHAPTER 6 FORCE AND MOTION—II straightening its spine (it then resembles a flying squirrel). Theseactions increase areaAand ...
Uniform Circular Motion From Module 4-5, recall that when a body moves in a circle (or a circular arc) at constant speed v, it i ...
134 CHAPTER 6 FORCE AND MOTION—II In both car and shuttle you are in uniform circular motion, acted on by a cen- tripetal force ...
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