Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Index 269

space–time, 9, 12, 36–7, 40, 42–3,
82, 107, 160 –1, 163, 172–3, 204,
as whole, no change in, 160, 163, 172
no absolute axes, 42
species, origin of, 92, 94 –6, 115, 159,
171, 226
Spinoza, B., 14, 20, 207, 213, 242
spiritual challenge, 143
spiritualism, 108
spirituality, 8–9, 79, 190
consistent with metaphysics, 80
Strauss, D., 55
structuralism, 41
substances and attributes, 131–3, 161,
164, 181, 228, 234, 243
Swinburne, R., 95, 217–18, 222–3
symmetry, 19–21, 28–9, 210–11, 215–16

Tarski, A., 206
tautology, 205–7
Taylor, S.R., 66–8, 70
Teichmann, R., 159
teleological argument (see argument to
teleology not needed by science, 85
teleology, new, 12–14, 22, 25, 69,
109–11, 114, 116, 123, 126
old, 88–92, 94, 96, 101–2, 107–9, 111,
123, 126, 135, 176, 195, 224, 227
Teresa of Avila, St, 190
testimony, 51–7, 80, 183–6
Thales of Miletus, 3, 12
thatness and whatness, 127–33, 161–2
theism, agnostic, 147
and mathematics, 38–42
as scientific theory, 60
definition of, 3–4, 8
emotionally attractive, 70
historical forms of, 66
metaphysical, 69
theodicy, 60 –1, 138–9, 142, 144, 164,
244, 246
distinct from defence, 244–5
theory change, 6–8, 12, 53, 56–7, 215–16

theory-testing, 6, 49–50, 53, 57, 207,
210, 215, 218–19
thinking, 93, 96–7, 135–6, 171
implies concepts, 101–2, 107, 121,
126, 195–6, 228, 235
learnt in saying, 102–5
mediumversus content, 236–7, 240
not identical with its embodiment,
136–7, 196, 228
Thomism, 35, 81, 99, 103–4, 128,
130 –1, 139, 161, 197, 228
thought, causal theory of, 107, 174
transcendent, no argument to, 4, 134–7,
162, 191, 218
transcendentals, 133
trees, just physical mechanisms, 153–4,
Trinity, 54, 68, 79, 147, 189
truth as confirmation, 78
as provability, 39, 206, 218
by linguistic convention, 204 –8
Tryon, E.P., 36–7
Tunguska incident, 53

uncaused events, 125
uncertainty principle, 36–7
understanding, 189–91
universals, realism about, 42, 232–3
universe, as necessary being, 162–3,
awe at, x, 11, 14–15, 21, 25, 32, 45,
69, 161, 190, 207–8, 212, 219, 247
best possible, 30 –1, 62, 64 –5, 165, 246
complexity of, 23–4, 29, 32, 160,
164, 240 –1, 243–4
existence of as a whole, 33, 35–7,
external cause of, 22, 35–7, 86, 111,
119, 122, 126, 210
purpose of, 69
remarkably large, 25, 66–8, 152
self-understanding, 116, 189
unnecessarily complicated?, 25, 27,
29, 165, 189
unobservables, 134
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