Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1
Index 311

germanium and silicon, 84–85
in PET scanners, 183
liquid scintillation, 93–95
lutetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO),
of gamma cameras, 110
semiconductor, 84–85
sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)), 82, 86,
thyroid probe, 104–105
well type, 101–104
yttrium oxyorthosilicate (YSO), 84
Deterministic effects in radiation
biology, 246–247
Diagnostic tests, evaluation of, 41–43
negative predictive value, 42–43
positive predictive value, 42–43
sensitivity, 42–43
specificity, 42–43
Differentiated cells, 237
Digital camera, 115–116
Digital computers,seeComputers
Digital image, 143–144
matrix sizes in, 143–144
zoom factor, 144
Dilution quenching, 94
Direct and indirect action of radiation,
Dirty bomb, 260–262
protective measure, 262
Disintegration rate, 21
Display, 114, 148–149
Distance in radiation protection,
Diverging collimator, 111
Dos and don’ts in radiation protection,
calculation, 211
calibrators, 74–77
accuracy, 75–76
constancy, 75–76
geometry, 77
linearity, 75–76
effect of, on cell survival, 241
equivalent, 220–222
limits, occupational, 273–274
rate, 211
Dose-response relationship in radiation
biology, 251–252

Dosimeter, 277–279, 303
film badge, 277–278
pocket, 77,
thermoluminescent, 278–279
Dosimetry, internal radiation,see
Internal radiation dosimetry
Double-escape peak, 92
Double-strand break in chromosome,
Doubling dose, 256–257
Dynode of photomultiplier tube, 86–87

EC,seeElectron capture
Edge packing, 131
Effective dose, 220–222
Effective dose equivalent, 220–222
Effective half-life, 25, 303
Effects of radiation, 230–237
chromosome, 231–235
direct and indirect actions of
radiation, 235–237
DNA molecule, 230–231
Electromagnetic radiations, 2
frequency, 2
wavelength, 2
Electron, 3, 304
Electron capture (EC) decay, 19–20,
Electron volt, 2, 304
Electronic collimation in PET, 182
Electronic structure of atom, 3–6
Electrons, 3
auger, 14
binding energies, 5
conversion, 13
Embryonic damage by radiation,
Emission computed tomography, 153
PET, 182–207
SPECT, 153–181
Energy and mass, 1
Energy resolution, 95–96, 304
Equilibrium dose constant, 212
Erg, 2, 304
propagation of, 37–38
random, 34
systematic, 34
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