Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1
Index 317

tissue sensitivities, 237–238
undifferentiated cells, 245
Radiation exposure
sources, 268–270
types of, in dirty bomb, 261–262
Radiation phobia, 263–264
Radiation protection, 271–282
activity, 277
ALARA, 274
definition of terms, 271–272
distance, 275–276
dos and don’ts in, 279
film badge, 277–278
personnel monitoring, 277–279
principles of, 274–277
shielding, 276–277
sources of radiation exposure,
thermoluminescent dosimeter,
time, 274
Radiation regulations
agreement state, 268
ALARA, 274
bioassay, 279–280
caution signs and labels, 272–273
Department of Transportation,
limited quantity, 294
training, 295
high radiation area, 272
license, 270–271
general domestic license, 270
specific license, 270–271
medical uses of radionuclides,
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC), 268
personnel monitoring, 277–279
principles of radiation protection,
radiation safety committee, 271, 284
radiation safety officer, 271, 284,
radioactive spill, 282
radioactive waste disposal, 280–282
receiving and monitoring of
radioactive packages, 280
recordkeeping, 291–292

release of patients administered with
radiopharmaceuticals, 290–291
report and notification of a dose to
an embryo/fetus or a nursing
child, 289–290
report and notification of a medical
event, 288–289
requirement for possession of sealed
sources, 286
surveys for ambient radiation
exposure rate, 287
survey instruments, calibration, 287
training and experience
requirements for medical uses
of byproduct materials, 287–288
transportation of radioactive
material, 293–295
Radiation Safety Committee, 271, 284
Radiation Safety Officer, 271, 284, 288
Radiation units, 208–210
Radiation weighting factor, 209–210,
Radioactive decay, 11–20, 21–33
alpha particle (a), 14–15
annihilation radiation in, 18
antineutrino in, 15
auger electron, 14
auger process, 14
beta minus (b−), 15–17
characteristic x-ray, 14, 20
conversion electron, 13
decay constant, 21
decay equations, 21–22
effective half-life, 25
electron capture (EC), 19–20
fluorescence yield, 14
half-life, 22–25
internal conversion, 13
isomeric transition, 12–14
mean life, 25
of mixed radionuclide sample, 24
neutrino in, 17–19
positron (b+), 17–18
secular equilibrium, 32
specific activity, 26–27
spontaneous fission, 11
successive decay, 29–32
transient equilibrium, 30–31
transition energy, 15
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