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(singke) #1

of persons or of any of its divine personifications or
gods. God is a ‘multi-person’ and more – each person’s
awareness being an individualised, living portion of the
Divine Awareness. The expression ‘God-Consciousness’
refers to both an understanding and experience of God
as Consciousness – an experience that must once again
become central to the aims of social education and find
renewed expression in social culture.
It is because The Awareness Principle challenges –
like Hindu philosophies – the unquestioned dogma that
subjectivity or awareness is the private property of
individual persons, egos, selves or ‘subjects’ that it also
challenges – and that in a much deeper and more
fundamental way than ever before – the whole principle
of private property on which class-based societies,
whether dictatorial or ‘democratic’, have been based
‘Socialist theocracy’ does not in any way imply a lack
of freedom or ‘democracy’. We must remember too, that
the modern term ‘democracy’ actually had its origins in
the slave society of Athens – as democracy for the ruling
class alone. Then as now, ‘democracy’ is in practice a
form of oligarchy and plutocracy – a society in which
only the landed or wealthy wield real political influence.
For true democracy, as Marx recognised, cannot be
reduced to different forms of political democracy or
democratic politics alone, but can only arise on the basic
of an economic democracy or democratic economy of

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