Hydraulic Structures: Fourth Edition
2.5.2 Construction The construction operations which follow initial site development fall into four principal groups of activiti ...
Fig. 2.10 Representative UK rolled clay core embankment dams: (a) Kielder (1982); (b) Lower Lliw (1978) (afterBinnie, 1981) ...
Ancillary works constructionembraces the construction of spillway and stilling basins, culverts or tunnels for outlet works etc. ...
and k(kvkh)1/2. (2.14) The seepage flow, q(equation (2.10) should be referred to), is defined by qkH (2.15) whereHis the hea ...
80 EMBANKMENT DAM ENGINEERING Fig. 2.11 Idealized flownet for foundation seepage (Worked example 2.1 should also be referred to) ...
flow efficiency, EQ 1 Q/Q 0 (2.19) whereQandQ 0 are, respectively, the seepage flows with and without the core or cut-off in ...
5 (2.21b) and 25 (2.21c) whereD 15 etc. refer to the 15% passing size etc. as determined from particle size analysis. Expres ...
wherefandare, respectively, the unit shear resistance which can be mobilized and unit shear stress generated on the failure su ...
The following critical conditions must be analysed (see Fig. 2.14): end of construction (both slopes); steady state, reservoir ...
Rapid drawdown.Values of ruin the range of 0.30–0.60 may occur immediately after initial drawdown. Transient values of uwmay be ...
the horizontal. The latter is considered positive if upslope from the lowest point on the failure arc. The Fellenius solution is ...
F [cb(W uwb)tan] . (2.26a) In the above iterative expression bis the width of any slice. Alternatively, expressing porew ...
Kennard (1994) suggests that limit-state stability analysis using effective stresses predicted on pore pressure dissipation and ...
non-linear load response. Modelling techniques well established in other applications, e.g. finite element analysis (FEA), are t ...
(e.g. rockfill) shoulders. Mobilization of core shear strength and cracking is associated with consolidation of a clay core supp ...
The risk of such cracking modes arising can be moderated by careful detail design, e.g. avoidance of major irregularities in fou ...
The strength of a seismic event can be characterized by its magnitude and its intensity, defined thus: magnitude: a measure of t ...
generally be in this category, since the theoretical natural frequency for an elastic long and uniform triangular embankment sec ...
vulnerable dams, or for purposes of preliminary analysis. For high dams, or dams in situations where seismicity is considered cr ...
Inertia forces associated with the mass of a dam structure are then expressed in terms of the horizontal and vertical seismic ac ...
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