Hydraulic Structures: Fourth Edition
It is convenient to classify individual loads as primary, secondary, or exceptional. Classification in this manner assists in th ...
(a) Primary loads Water load.This is a hydrostatic distribution of pressure with hori- zontal resultant force P 1. (Note that a ...
equivalent static thrust, P 8 , is shown. Seismic load is considered further within Section 2.7 in relation to embankment dams, ...
19th-century classical mechanics, and assumes water and seepage loads to act as surface pressures, with their resultant forces c ...
Fell, R., MacGregor, P. and Stapledon, D. (1992) Geotechnical Engineering of Embankment Dams, Balkema, Rotterdam. Freer, R. (200 ...
USBR (1987) Design of Small Dams, 3rd edn, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC. Vischer, D.L. and Hager, W.H. (1998) Da ...
Chapter 2 Embankment dam engineering 2.1 Introduction An introductory presentation on the position of embankments in the history ...
in contrast, is a natural aggregate of minerals connected by strong and permanent cohesive bonds. The boundary between soil and ...
between the named soil types correspond broadly to significant and identi- fiable changes in engineering characteristics. Partic ...
where clay fines are present, e.g. I for intermediate, H for high etc. (BSI, 1999). 2.2.3 Phases in soil: soil porewater: effect ...
applies. The phreatic surfaceis defined as the datum level at which the porewater pressure within a soil mass is zero, i.e. atmo ...
shearing resistance which a soil can mobilize and the compressibility of clay soils (equations (2.6) and (2.7)). Representative ...
While a soil mass may be stable in the sense described above it may nevertheless undergo deformationas a result of changes in lo ...
Equation (2.4) may be divided by ∆ 1 and rearranged as B ̄B 1 (1 A) (^1) . (2.5) ParameterB ̄is an overall coefficient o ...
As noted previously, shearing resistance is determined by effective, i.e. interparticulate rather than total, stress level. A mo ...
pond to the normal and shear stresses on the failure plane, which must therefore be obtained indirectly, e.g. by the constructio ...
normally consolidated (NC). If, on the other hand, previous effective stress levels have been relieved, e.g. as a result of glac ...
load is therefore accounted for almost entirely by mechanism 3 (expulsion of porewater) as excess porewater pressures dissipate. ...
The above relationship applies only if the soil is at or near full satu- ration and if laminar flow conditions prevail, and may ...
with a characteristic inverted V-shape. At low water contents the soil is stiff and difficult to compact, producing low dry dens ...
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