The Psychology of Eating: From Healthy to Disordered Behavior
Body Dissatisfaction 105 studies indicate that a range of factors relating to body dissatisfaction are more prevalent in higher ...
106 Body Dissatisfaction Social factors and body dissatisfaction Research exploring the impact of social factors in causing body ...
Body Dissatisfaction 107 example, using correlational designs, research shows an association between the frequency of viewing po ...
108 Body Dissatisfaction Posavac et al. (2001) highlighted the impact of social comparison processes. Ogden and Sherwood (2009) ...
Body Dissatisfaction 109 of girls with anorexia show greater body dissatisfaction than mothers of nondisordered girls. Likewise, ...
110 Body Dissatisfaction Beliefs Some research has examined the beliefs held by the individuals themselves and their family memb ...
Body Dissatisfaction 111 boundaries within the family and the existence of an enmeshed relation- ship between mother and daughte ...
112 Body Dissatisfaction number of different aspects of disordered symptomatology, including drive for thinness and body dissati ...
Body Dissatisfaction 113 Figure 6.3 Smoking as a response to body dissatisfaction. (Source: Advertising Archives.) Image not ava ...
114 Body Dissatisfaction weight, positive self-image, childhood exercise, high self-motivation, and beliefs that exercise is enj ...
Body Dissatisfaction 115 Conclusion Body dissatisfaction can be conceptualized either as a distorted body image compared to an o ...
7 Dieting Dieting is the most common consequence of body dissatisfaction for women. Some men also diet as a means to change thei ...
Dieting 117 to explore the history of dieting and the impact of the dieting industry and then to assess the central role for con ...
118 Dieting the lotus has special seductive characteristics and is an instrument for arousing desire. Who cannot resist the fasc ...
Dieting 119 of the necessary means to become desirable. It indicated a recognition of the objectification of women and the centr ...
120 Dieting breasts could survive the lack of support, and the 1980s brought larger breasts back in fashion again with the inven ...
Dieting 121 started in America in 1963 and in Britain in 1967, and the first copy of Slimmingmagazine was issued in Britain in 1 ...
122 Dieting desire to lose weight is not driven by health needs but aesthetic ones, and the dieting industry creates this need. ...
Dieting 123 I Were Thin I Wish I Were Fat, argued that women unconsciously want to be fat and that this is why they overeat; if ...
124 Dieting losing large amounts of weight, they also run ones which offer “How to lose those extra pounds for summer,” and “Clo ...
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