Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
[ 1936- 1939 ]^12
I read your typed newsblatt [sheet]. Your enemies are fiercer than
ever ... ja, und dummer [yes, and stupider]. If your genius had ex­
pressed itself in inventing an explosive more powerful than any other,
you would have been received as a national hero long ago. To invent
material dynamite is allowed, but your moral dynamite is far more
dangerous, and your diehard psychiatrists know it.
I have had an attack of my oid pyelitis again (the psychic conflict
gone physical). Not believing in drugs and doctors I went on a fast for
five days. Result a complete cure. Interesting that after a fast ordinary
food is disgusting. On the other hand a fast increases sex desire greatly.
I don't know why I tell you all this, for you aren't interested in
fasting and food. I can only guess it is my oid trick of patronising that
poor man Reich... "Yes, yes, Reich, but your orgasmus reflex isn't
everything. "
At the same time I know that if my reflex were working properly I
wouldn't be getting pyelitis again. I am really curious to know why a
fast cures all the same. If pyelitis is caused by lack of sex why should
lack of food cure it? Same old Neill-always asking questions! Which
Reich never thinks of answering.
Cheerio. If Oslo does make it too hot for you we'll work hard to get
you safe in England or America. Freud is also coming to London.

  • • •

Oslo, Norway
May 26, 1938
Dear N eill!*
Thank you very much for your offer to help me in moving
to England or America. I am taking advantage of it at once, although
the danger that I shall have to leave here is not acute. Still, I believe
that I must already start preparations. Please initiate whatever steps
may be necessary to get recommendations and support, and let me
know to whom you have turned. My move to America would be in­
separable from moving my laboratory equipment and two or three
assistants. The main point is that I am not a poor emigrant soliciting
entry into America as a favor; rather, that it is the honest opinion of
reasonable people that my work is necessary and that pity would here

  • Translated from the original German.

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