The Life of John Milton: A Critical Biography
Plate 8 Engraving by William Marshall, frontispiece to Milton’s Poems, 1645. ...
Plate 10 Milton’s house in Petty France, Westminster, in a nineteenth- century engraving published in the Illustrated London New ...
Plate 11 William Marshall’s frontispiece toEikon Basilike , 1649. ...
Plate 12 Title page to Milton’s Eikonoklastes. ...
Plate 13 William Faithorne’s 1658 map of London, showing the general area of Milton’s house in Artillery Walk and Bunhill Fields ...
Plate 14 Milton’s Cottage, Chalfont St Giles. ...
Plate 15 Title page, Paradise Lost, 1667. ...
Plate 16 William Faithorne’s engraving of Milton, from the frontispiece to the History of Britain. ...
Plate 17 Title page, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, 1671. Plate 18 The engraved stone near the place of Milton’s burial ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 over Danzig, then under siege by Sweden and defended by Dutch and Danish fleets. To the Stat ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 During the spring and summer of 1656 Milton probably had his attention drawn again to the ac ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 them, and that he retained his strong distaste for the university ethos. His letter to Jones ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 force prevails” and he should learn rather to admire exemplars of “justice and mod- eration. ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 after a civil war cannot immediately share in government, he insists that the well- affected ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 tic, blasphemous and execrable opinions,” but parliament thought that much too mild for Nayl ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 opposition from all levels of the army.^91 As enacted, the new constitution, The Humble Peti ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 failed republic back to a monarchy with three estates. The narrator claims that he also has ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 On March 24, 1657 Milton answered a letter (now lost) from a French scholar and book collect ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 A letter to the rulers of Hamburg introduces and seeks protection for Philip Mead- ows, en r ...
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