The Life of John Milton: A Critical Biography
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 offers genial teacherly advice: Jones did well to spurn the temptations of Paris for Saumur, ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 words with abundance of matter. De Brass evidently wrote back to question Milton’s prohibiti ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 of the murder of Kenelm he will leave “to be sought by such as are more credulous than I wis ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 Milton treats at some length two superlative rulers, implicitly inviting some com- parison w ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 Alms, got ofttimes by rapine and oppression.” Later, Edward the Confessor laid the groundwor ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 August. Also, his treasury was empty and with every passing month the need for money escalat ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 later. Milton’s family Bible records these events together: “Katherin my daughter, by Kather ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 in one man, seems to sound a warning from a republican perspective: “In every Republick, an ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 of the sonnet defines with ever greater complexity what that vengeance might be and when it ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 rise up against those persecutors now. In the final line, the echo of Jeremiah 51:6 in “Baby ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 them. The second quatrain offers Cyriack an invitation couched in imperative and immediate t ...
“I... Steer Right Onward” 1654–1658 great love poems in the language, displaying what is not elsewhere evident: Milton’s capacit ...
11 “The Last Words of Our Expiring Libertie” 1658–1660 In the twenty months from Oliver Cromwell’s death on September 3, 1658 to ...
“Our Expiring Libertie” 1658–1660 forth largely in a plain style that differs markedly from his earlier polemic modes. These pro ...
“Our Expiring Libertie” 1658–1660 anything but utopian, though he shows increasing interest in devising a federal system in whic ...
“Our Expiring Libertie” 1658–1660 Oliver’s death and promising to maintain the friendships, alliances, and treaty obli- gations ...
“Our Expiring Libertie” 1658–1660 As he observed the course of events over the next few months, Milton had reason to fear an imm ...
“Our Expiring Libertie” 1658–1660 logical conclusion from this, that toleration should also extend to Jews, Muslims, and Roman C ...
“Our Expiring Libertie” 1658–1660 ness, including supplies and pay to the discontented soldiers. Milton was no doubt pleased whe ...
“Our Expiring Libertie” 1658–1660 with the language of the saints advised the army that the only way to redeem its “backsliding” ...
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