What is Architectural History

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

142 Notes to pages 35– 38

of Léonce Reynaud and Viollet-le-Duc’, AA Files 11 (Spring
1986): 29–48, esp. 33, 36.
46 Burckhardt, ‘The Qualifi cations of the Nineteenth Century for
the Study of History’, 28.
47 Wölffl in, ‘Prolegomena’, 182.
48 Alois Riegl, Stilfragen. Grundlegungen zu einer Geschichte der
Ornamentik (Berlin: Siemens, 1893), and Die spätrömische
Kunstindustrie nach den Funden in Österreich-Ungarn (Vienna:
Kaiserlich-Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1901).
49 Christopher S. Wood (ed.), The Vienna School Reader: Politics
and Art Historical Method in the 1930s (New York: Zone
Books, 2000), 22–43.
50 Most notably in Cornelius Gurlitt, Geschichte des Barockstiles
in Italien (Stuttgart: Ebner and Seubert, 1887), and Geschichte
des Barockstiles, des Rococo, und des Klassicismus in Belgien,
Holland, Frankreich, England (Stuttgart: Ebner & Seubert,
51 August Schmarsow, Barock und Rokoko: Das Malerische in
der Architektur: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung (Leipzig: S.
Hirzel, 1897).
52 See Mark Jarzombek, The Psychologizing of Modernity: Art,
Architecture and History (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1999), ch. 1; Mallgrave & Ikonomou (eds.), Empathy,
Form, and Space.
53 Watkin, The Rise of Architectural History, esp. 1–10, 20–9,
30 – 2; compare Anthony Grafton, What Was History? The Art
of History in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2007).
54 Joseph Gwilt, An Encyclopædia of Architecture, rev. edn
([1842], London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1881); James
Fergusson, An Historical Inquiry into the True Principles of
Beauty in Art, Especially with Reference to Architecture
(London: Longman, 1849), and History of Indian and Eastern
Architecture (London: Murray, 1899); Banister Fletcher, A
History of Architecture for the Student, Craftsman, and
Amateur, Being a Comparative View of the Historical Styles
from the Earliest Period (London: T. Batsford, 1896).
55 On the ‘French’ (as opposed to German) sense of archéologie,
compare Julius von Schlosser, ‘The Vienna School of the
History of Art: Review of a Century of Austrian Scholarship
in German’ [1934], trans. & ed. Karl Johns, Journal of Art
Historiography 1 (December 2009, 6, online at http://www.gla.
ac.uk/departments/arthistoriography (accessed 7 January

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