PC Gamer Annual - UK (2022)
CONQUESTS OF THE LONGBOW Thirty years later Conquests of Camelot may look rudimentary, and it sadly never got a VGA upgrade like ...
PIXEL PUSHERS PAST The graphics cards that helped define PC gaming. By Jacob Ridley HARDWARE I t’s easy to forget about where we ...
3dfx Voodoo2 3 Now this is a 3D accelerator that requires no introduction. Known far and wide for its superb performance at the ...
Nvidia GeForce 256 4 The first bearing the GeForce name still in use today, the GeForce 256 was also the ‘world’s first GPU’. “B ...
ATI Radeon HD 5970 6 And what’s AMD been doing all this time? Semiconductor company ATI was busy building heaps of console chips ...
108 EXTRA LIFE CONTINUED ADVENTURES IN GAMING Contents DIARY 108 Crusader Kings III 116 GTA V MOD SPOTLIGHT 120 Cursed Halo 124 ...
116 120 136 140 128 ...
Forget you sheeple, I’m going to be the good guy. By Luke Kemp CRUSADER KINGS III PART I TRYING TO BE JUST AND P I O U S I N DIA ...
Y es, yes, I know, I know. Crusader Kings III is a game that practically begs you to be cruel, self-serving and just generally e ...
relax, as being in God’s good graces will save me and my realm. I’m free to concentrate on making good decisions, looking after ...
TOXIC CRUSADERS Suddenly, awful news! I receive word that Duke Halfdan of Mercia and his vassals have abandoned Catholicism for ...
Nicety and piety are leading to calamity. By Luke Kemp CRUSADER KINGS III PART II TRYING TO BE JUST AND P I O U S I N DIARY ...
Q uick recap: I’m trying to ignore the urges this game inspires in me and everybody else, and be lovely, kind and noble at every ...
That, at least, was the plan. On October 6 1078, Jarl Isleifur dies of old age at 72, and the murder plot dies with him. It seem ...
Then, as if I didn’t have enough to deal with, Yosi challenges my authority in front of the court. I’m sorry dad, but I’ve put u ...
GTA V: CHAOS MOD TRYING TO STAY ALIVE IN It’s already pretty hectic out there – let’s turn it up to eleven. By Rick Lane DIARY ...
I wouldn’t describe Grand Theft Auto V as a serious game, but it does take its silliness very seriously. Yes, it has absurd crim ...
could have gone wrong in this scenario did. Franklin exploded. Lamar exploded. My car exploded, forcing me to steal another car ...
the sky? And that’s when I notice the cars careering toward me at very high speeds. MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE It appears the Chaos Mod h ...
Tiny Warthogs are not easy to drive. That’s... not... fire... MAJOR MODS, ANALYSED MOD SPOTLIGHT ...
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