How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
An affirmation takes your wish, a specific thought, and
puts it into a tangible physical form. Many teachers and lead-
ers have talked of the power of thought and words. Deepak
Chopra, a spiritual guide to many and a physician by training,
states: “It is not you are what you eat, rather it is you are what
you think.”
Florence Scovel-Schinn was a widely known artist, illustra-
tor, metaphysician, and writer, who in 1925 wrote a wonderful
Big Little book: The Game of Life and How to Play It. In this impor-
tant work she discusses the power of thought.

The subconscious mind is man’s faithful servant,
but one must be careful to give it the right orders. Man
has ever a silent listener at his side. Every thought,
every word, is impressed upon it and carried out in
amazing detail. It is like a singer making a record on
the sensitive disc of the phonographic plate. Every note
and tone of the singer’s voice is registered. If he coughs
or hesitates, it is registered also. So let us break all of
the old bad records in the subconscious mind, the
records of our lives which we do not wish to keep, and
make new beautiful ones.

The “right orders” that Florence is referring to are your
daily and momentary thoughts. Taken one step further, her
words are a perfect example of how affirmations can work
for you.


If you are interested in the concept and ready to harness
the power of thought and attention, begin by asking yourself:
What it is that you most want in your business? Are you looking
to develop a vision that represents who you are? Are you look-
ing for more clients? For more money? For more balance in
your life?
Write your wish down. Make sure that it is for your higher
good and the higher good of others. Once you know what you
wish for, you will be able to craft your affirmation. Refer to your


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