The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
inner dialogue of, questions and,
needs of, 27
personal domain of spirit, 19–20
universal domain of spirit, 21–22
cause and effect. Seekarma
chakras, 82–83. See also specific
chakras undermeditation
consciousness (Sahaswara), 89–90
creativity (Svadhisthana), 84–85
energetic pathways connecting, 165
energy (Manipura), 85–86
expression (Vishuddha), 87–88
heart (Anahata), 86–87
intuition (Ajna), 88–89
root (Muladhara), 83–84
Chakrasana (kneeling wheel),
167–168, 168 , 191
chi, 41
Chopra Center, 3–4, 81–82
Clinton, Hillary, 21
conflict, release of, 68
consciousness, 42–43, 64
reality and, 18
constriction, negative effects of, 132
contentment (santosha), 36–37
creativity chakra (Svakhisthana),
Dandayamana Dhanurasana (standing
bow pose), 144–146, 145 , 184
Dandayamana Konasana (standing
angle pose), 143 , 143–144, 144 ,
Descartes, René, 17
becoming less personal, 29
fulfilling or transforming, 28
impressions giving rise to, 78
types of, 27
detachment, practicing, 68
Dhanurasana (bow pose), 131, 131 ,
Dharana, 45–46, 78
to be in, 69
connecting with your, 70
of the mind, during meditation,
performance of activity that
supports, 197
Dhyana, 46–47, 78

Diana (goddess of nature), 21
Dirgha (complete breath), 107–108
discipline or austerity (tapas), 37
domain of spirit, 19–22, 31
collective, 20–21
personal, 19–20
universal, 21–22
dynamic exchange, 54
ego, 18–19, 51–52
inflation of, by arrogance, x
problems associated with identify-
ing solely with, 24
shifting internal reference point
from, to spirit, 25–29
and spirit, union of, 10
in state of object-referral, 51
Ekpadasana (one foot posture),
139–141, 140 , 183
enlightenment, paths to, 34
as extended body, 14–16, 64
extracting necessary nourishment
from, 116
flexibility, 40
postures for everyday yoga
practice, 178–181
foods, sattvic, 16
Gandhi, Mahatma, 31, 33
Garudasana (eagle pose), 147 ,
147–148, 184
generosity (aparigraha), 35
going into the gap, 93–94
Goodall, Jane, 21
gratitude, cultivating sense of, 56
Gyan yoga, x–xi
Halasana (plow pose), 128–129, 129 ,
Hasta Uttanasana (sky reaching pose),
151, 151 , 157, 157 , 185 , 188
and transformation, enlivening,
Hillel, Rabbi, 29
Hill, Julia “Butterfly,” 21
honesty (asteya), 34–35
Ida, 165
integrity, 35

202 Index

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