The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
awareness, 92
best-known, 81
for Bhujangasana (cobra pose), 155
to clear and enliven energy chakra
(Manipura), 86
for creativity chakra
(Svadhisthana), 85
for expression chakra
(Vishuddha), 88
for Hasta Uttanasana (sky reaching
pose), 151, 157
for heart chakra (Anahata), 87
Law of Detachment, 69
Law of Dharma, 72
Law of Giving and Receiving, 57
Law of Intention and Desire, 66
Law of Karma, 60
Law of Least Effort, 63
Law of Pure Potentiality, 54
for Pada Hastasana (hand to feet
pose), 152, 156
for Parvatasana (mountain pose),
153, 155
for Pranamasana (salutation pose),
150, 157
for root chakra (Muladhara), 84
So Hum, 92
use of, in meditation, 80–81
Matsyasana (fish pose), 170 , 170–171
Matsyendrasana (spinal twist) (Lord
of the Fish pose), 165–167, 166 ,
meditation, 77–97
achieving expanded states of aware-
ness through, 45
attention and intention, 95–96
chakra, 82–90
Ajna (intuition chakra), 88–89
Anahata (heart chakra), 86–87
Manipura (energy chakra),
Muladhara (root chakra), 83–84
Sahaswara (consciousness
chakra), 89–90
Svadhisthana (creativity chakra),
Vishuddha (expression chakra),
experiences, 92–95
as most direct path to awakening
Law of Pure Potentiality, 78–80

reviewing intentions before, 46
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success in
play during, 94–95
So Hum, 90–92
for everyday yoga practice, 177
use of mantras in, 80–81
using breath as focus of attention
in, 79
yoga of, 97
Meir, Golda, 21
memories, 78
mind, 17–18
-body integration
relationship of food to, 16–17
yoga poses that enhance, 123
expanded state of, 79–80
influence on, of conscious regula-
tion of breathing, 42
need to calm turbulence of, 77–78
nonconditioned, 79
Monroe, Marilyn, 21
Moola bandha (root lock), 116
Muladhara (root chakra), 83–84
color of, 84
mantra for, 84
nadis, 113
Nadi Shodhana (channel clearing
breath), 110–112, 111 , 112
Niyama, 35–39
contentment (santosha), 36–37
discipline or austerity (tapas), 37
purity (shoucha), 36
self-study (svadhyana), 37–38
surrendering to the divine
(Ishwara-Pranidhana), 38–39
nonjudgment, practicing, 53
nonviolence (ahimsa), 33
object-referral, 51
Om, 81
Pada Hastasana (hand to feet pose),
151–152, 152 , 156, 156 , 186 , 188
Padmasana (lotus mudra), 134 ,
134–135, 135 , 181
Parvatasana (mountain pose), 153,
153 , 155, 155 , 186 , 187
Maharishi Patanjali, 23–24
description of truth by, 33–34
eight branches of yoga elaborated
by, 31–48

204 Index

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