The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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  1. Cultivate stillness in your body and mind.
    Between poses and between movements, bring your
    attention to the quiet stillness within you. After per-
    forming your set of yoga postures, sit alone in silent
    meditation for approximately twenty minutes. By
    quieting the mind in meditation, you will learn to
    directly experience the field of pure awareness, where
    everything is inseparably connected with everything

  2. During your postures and during each day, practice
    shifting into a witnessing mode of awareness.
    Observe from the inner stillness of your soul the
    dynamic activity of the world. Take time each day to
    commune with nature and silently witness the intelli-
    gence within every living thing. Watch a sunset, listen
    to the sound of the ocean or a stream, or simply smell
    the scent of a flower. From the peace of your inner
    silence and through your communion with nature,
    you will experience joy and reverence for the eternal
    movement of life in all its manifestations.

  3. Practice nonjudgment. While performing your
    yoga postures, relinquish the need to judge your abil-
    ity. Begin each session with the statement, “Today, I
    shall judge nothing that occurs,” and remind yourself
    that self-acceptance is the source and goal of yoga.
    When you are constantly making judgments, includ-
    ing of yourself, as things being right or wrong, good or
    bad, you create turbulence in your internal dialogue,
    which constricts the flow of energy between you and
    the field of pure potentiality. Nonjudgment cultivates
    silence in the mind, which gives you direct access to
    the field of pure potentiality.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga 53
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