NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
Richard Bandler & John Grinder (1975/76)The Structure of Magic,
Vols I and II, Science and Behavior Books.
Stephen R. Covey (1999) The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,
Simon & Schuster.



d A friend tells you she has just bought an expensive new car.
What price range would that fall into in your thinking?
e A colleague tells you he is going to take a long holiday. How
long do you imagine that to be?
f A friend invites you for a long run. How long would that be?
Now ask a colleague, a friend, a member of your family or your
boss the same questions. How do your answers compare?
4To challenge the language patterns in the following statements,
what questions would you ask?
aI can't change the way I am.
b No one can help me.
cI know they'll think I'm nervous.
d He did it deliberately.
e I'm annoyed because you are late.
f There is only way to give feedback constructively.
g My staff don't respond to my directions.
h This relationship isn't what it should be.
i I'm upset.
jYou upset me.
5 Think of a situation recently where the outcome was dependent on
what you said and you didn’t get the effect you wanted. What did
you say? How much time did it take you to resolve the issue
(assuming it has been resolved)? What could you have said
6 Now think of another situation that was strongly influenced by the
words you used and where the outcome surpassed your
expectations. How did what you said affect the outcome? How
might you surpass your expectations in other contexts of your life
in a similar way?
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