
(Wang) #1

I 7


scientist, 131–132
Becquerel effect, 749
Bede, Cuthbert, 133–134, 725
holy orders, 133–134
satirized photography, 133–134
Bedford, Francis, 134–136, 135, 425, 1405
architectural photography, 134, 135
art reproductions, 135
carte-de-visite, 135
chromolithography, 134, 136
landscape photography, 134, 135
lithographers, 134, 136
retouching, 136
royal photography, 135, 136
Beer albumen process, 487
Beere, Daniel Manders, New Zealand,
Behles, Edmund, 137
Beirstadt, Albert, 1045–1046
Beirut, Bonfi ls, Félix-Adrien, 173–174
Belgium, 137–141, 1288–1290
Association Belge de Photographie, 1289
broadening applications, 140–141
carte-de-visite, 139–140
Claine, Guillaume, 300–302
fi rst state commission granted, 301–302
Interior Ministry commission of 1851,
commercialization, 137–138
Dubois de Nehaut, Chevalier Louis-Pierre-
Theophile, 443–444
exhibitions, 1289–1290
experimental or laboratory phase, 137
Fierlants, Edmond, 529
French political refugees, 139
geographic clustering, 140
innovation, 138
institutions, 1288–1290
itinerant photographers, 138
Misonne, Lénard, 933
Musée de l’Industrie, 1288–1289
Neyt, Adolphe L., 999–1000
patents, 138–139
photographic societies, 1289
photography collections, 1290
photography’s growth, 139–140
pictorialism, 140
portraits, 138
Royal Academy of Science and Literature,
social and geographic dissemination, 140
social and professional origins of
professsionals, 140
Belitski, Ludwig, 141, 142
arts and crafts catalogues, 142
Bell, F.H. & Brothers, 145
Bell, William, 142–143
Bell, William Abraham, distinguished, 142,
Bell, William H., distinguished, 145
chief photographer for U.S. Army Medical
Museum, 142
Civil War, 142
distinctive compositional formula, 143
dry collodion process, 142, 143
medical photography, 142
military photography, 142
Wheeler Survey in 1872, 143
Bell, William Abraham, 143–145, 144, 515
Bell, William, distinguished, 142, 143
Colorado developer, 144–145
contemporary account of Western
exploration, 144–145
Indian Wars, 143–144

survey photographers of American West,
Bell, William H., 145
Bell, William, distinguished, 145
Belloc, Joseph Auguste, 146
color stereoscopy, 146
erotic photography, 146
Bellows camera, 246
Beltrami, Giuseppe, 757
Bemis, Samuel, 146
Benecke, Ernest, 146–148, 147
ethnographic studies, 146
Near East, 146
everyday life photography, 148
portraits, 147–148
Bengal light, 84
Benjamin, Walter, 348
Bennett, Henry Hamilton, 148–149
inventor, 149
landscape photography, 148–149, 149
Bentley, Wilson Alwyn
meteorology, 149
photomicrography, 149
Benzelstierna, L.J., 1367
Berend, Heimann Wolff, 916
Berggren, Guillaume (Wilhelm), 149
Istanbul, 149
Bergström, J.W., 1367
Berlin views, Ahrendts, Leopold, 22
Bermudas, 284
Berne Convention, copyright, 338
Bernoud, Alphonse, 149–150
natural disasters, 149–150
Berson, Joseph Arthur, 597
Bertall, Charles Albert, Vicomte d’ Arnoux,
Bertillon, Alphonse, 150–152, 186, 345, 428,
696, 1143
anthropometry, 151
measurements, 151
speaking portrait, 151
biography, 149–152
fi rst scientifi c prisoner identifi cation
system, 150
opponent of fi ngerprinting, 151
police manual on photographing criminals,
Bertillonage, 1143
Bertsch, Auguste Nicolas, 152–153
collodion, 152
eclipses, 152
inventor, 152–153
photomicrography, 152–153
shutters, 152
stereotypes, 152–153
Bey, Mohammed Sadic, 153
Islamic life, 153
Beyer, Karol Adolf, 154
art reproductions, 154
ethnographic photography, 154
Poland, 154
Beyer-Peacock locomotive engineering
company, 742
Bhutan, White, John Claude, 1496
Biblical lantern shows, 827
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 154–156
documentation, 155–156
donations, 154, 155
exhibitions, 154
expositions, 154–155
holdings, 154, 155
photography collections, 154–156
pictorialism, 155
raising awareness of photography, 155

Bichromates, 1157
Poitevin, Alphonse Louis, 844
Bierstadt, Charles, 10
Biewend, Hermann Carl Eduard, 156–157
daguerreotypes, 156–157
Biggs, Thomas, 157
India, 157
historic architectural sites, 157
Bing, Louis, actinometers, 5
Bingham, Robert Jefferson, 157, 549
collodion, 157
Biograph, 279, 944
Biophantic Lantern, 1223
Bioscope, 941
Biot, Jean-Baptiste, 157–159
academic supporter of early photography,
biography, 158–159
scientist, 157–159
Biow, Hermann, 159, 582
portraits, 159
Biphantascope, 1223
Birds, 41, 42
Birtac, 4
Bisson, Auguste-Rosalie, 161–164, 162, 822
Alps, 162, 163, 164
architectural photography, 163
biography, 163–164
portraits, 161–162
Bisson, Louis-Auguste, 161–164, 822
architectural photography, 163
biography, 163–164
portraits, 161–162
Bitumen, 858
Bitumen of Judea, Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore,
1004, 1005
Bitumen process, see Heliographic processes
Black, Alexander, 944
Black, James Wallace, 13, 164–165, 1494–
biography, 165
experimentation with composition, 164
Great Boston Fire of 1872, 165
landscape photography, 164–165
New England, 164–165
porcelain as photographic support, 165
Black Box Collotype, 314
Black mirror, 1062–1063
Blackmore, William, 68, 166
Native Americans, 166
Blair, Thomas Henry, 166
manufacturer of celluloid fi lm, 166
roll fi lm holders and cameras, 166
Blair, William, intensifying, 749–750
Blair Camera Company, 166
Blair Tourograph and Dry Plate Company, 166
Blanchard, Valentine, 166–167
The Brotherhood of the Linked Ring,
landscape photography, 166
portraits, 166
writer on photography, 166
Blanquart-Évrard, Louis-Désiré, 23, 146–147,
147, 167–168
adapting photography to industrial
production, 167
developing method, 167
fi rst photographic printing factory, 167–168
inventor, 167
latent image principle, 167
Photographic Notes, 1365, 1366
photohistorian, 167
background in chemistry, 167
printing establishment, 684
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