
(Wang) #1

I 16


Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé (continued)
written correspondence, 1005
painting education, 363
paintings, 364–365
painting studio of Paris Opéra, 363
panoramic cameras, 255
patents, 341, 462, 607
calotype defense, 608
collodion, 827–828
photogenic drawings, 607, 675
producing multiples, 675
Photographic Club, 526
political unrest, 363
pre-eminence as inventor of negative/
positive photography, 828
program of industrial progress of July
Monarchy, 364
publications, 176
public demonstrations, 365–366, 676
public unveiling, 122
purchase of process by French government,
365, 366
Reading Establishment, 648
republicanism, 364
Salon painting, 365, 366
still lifes, 1344–1345
talent for lighting effects, 365
von Humboldt, Alexander, 1404
The Daguerrean Journal, 726
world’s fi rst specialized periodical, 1308
Daguerrean Miniature Gallery, 197
Daguerreian Journal, 366–367
content, 366–367
editors, 366–367
fi rst American specialist journal, 366
fi rst commercially produced photographic
magazine, 366
Hill, Reverend Levi L., 367
renamed, 367
Daguerreotypes, 21, 303, 367–372, 369, 476,
615, 987, 1377
1839 French law on, 664–665
truth-telling, 665
vs. discovery, 664–665
vs. patent, 664–665
1850s, 685
adoption, 368–370
Africa, 1473–1473
amateur photographers, 1211
American process, 371
American West, 794–795
applications in medicine, 542
Arago’s announcement, 365, 366
architecture, Ruskin, John, 58
Argentina, 71–72
views, 72
Asser, Eduard Isaac, 86–87
self-portraits, 86–87
still lifes of photographic paraphernalia,
astronomical photography, 88–89
Baudelaire’s derision of, 119–120
Beard, Richard, 126
Biewend, Hermann Carl Eduard, 156–157
Brady, Mathew B., 197–200, 198
Braquehais, Auguste Bruno, 201, 202
Brazil, 206
bromide, 596
Byerly, Jacob, 232
calotypes, compared, 239, 241, 370
camera manufacturers, 1092
Caneva, Giacomo, 267
cases, 371, 1088
characteristic refl ectivity of plate, 367

characteristics, 753
Choiselat, Marie-Charles-Isidore, 296,
Claudet, Antoine François Jean, 302–304
colored images, 661
color therapy, 316–317
Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des
séances de l’Académie des sciences,
Cornelius, Robert
atypical heavy brass frames, 339
pioneer daguerreotypist, 339–340
set earliest standard for American
daguerreotype portraiture, 339
cost, 467
fi rst known on Cuban soil, 352
war photography, 353
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 367
Dancer, John Benjamin, 379
demise, 372, 681
de Prangey, Joseph-Philibert Girault,
dominant form until 1850s, 367
earliest, 914
earliest extant, 365
editorial coverage in newspapers, 8
Egypt, 476
earliest, 476
Ellis, Alexander John, 480–481
engraving, 535
enlarging, copy camera, 490
erotic photography, 497, 498
etched, 1118
exposure, 370, 371, 515
Far East, 795
fi rst commercially successful photographic
process, 365
Fizeau, Louis Armand Hippolyte, 535–536
fragileness, 371
framing, 952
French Academy of Science, 368–369
French government’s support, 363
French public’s tremendous enthusiasm,
Germany, 581–582
fi rst, 582
gilding technique, 371
Goddard, Paul Beck, 596
Gouin, Alexis-Louis-Charles-Arthur,
Grand Tour, 821–822
Great Britain, 607
licensing, 607
Great Exhibition, New York (1853-54), 617
Great Exhibitions of the Works of Industry
of All Nations, Crystal Palace, Hyde
Park (1851), 615
Greece, 618
Gros, Baron Jean Baptiste-Louis, 623–624
Haas, Philip, fi rst to produce lithograph
directly from, 631
Hale, Luther Holman, 631–632
hand coloring, 322–324
Harrison, Charles C., 634
Harrison, Gabriel, 634–635
Hawaii, fi rst daguerreotype portraits, 639
Hawes, Josiah Johnson, 1320–1322, 1321
Hesler, Alexander, 656
Hogg, Jabez, 709, 710
Horn, Wilhelm (Vilém), 715
Humbert de Molard, Baron Louis-Adolphe,
Hungary, 726

Iceland, 735
improvements, 677
industrial photography, 741
civil engineering projects, 741–742
innovations, 370–371
Insley, Lawson, 746
international spread, 371–372
Ireland, 750
Isenring, Johann Baptist, 752
Italy, 1224, 1225
engraving, 753
experiments, 753
manuals, 752–753
portraits, 753
views, 753
Itier, Alphonse-Eugène-Jules, 758, 758–759
Johnson, John, 1501–1502
Johnson, Walter Rogers, 777
Joly de Lotbinière, Pierre-Gustave Gaspard,
journals, 372
Kilburn, Douglas Thomas, 798
Langenheim, Friedrich, 824–825
Langenheim, Wilhelm, 824–825
Le Blondel, Alphonse, early professional
daguerreotypists, 830–831
Le Gray, Gustave, 832
lenses, 368
licenses, 467
Lion, Jules, earliest known African
American daguerreian artist, 861–862
Malacrida, Jules, 887
Martens, Friedrich, fi rst daguerreotype
panoramic camera, 898
mats, 371
Meade, Charles Richard, 914
Meade, Henry W.M., 914
Mestral, Auguste, 921
microscopic photography, 676
Middle East, 476
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 938–939, 940
American eyewitness accounts of, 938
earliest group portraits, 939
fi rst daguerreotypes produced in
America, 939
Moulin, Félix-Jacques-Antoine, 945–946
mountain photography, 947–948
New Zealand, fi rst, 993
night photography, 1007
nude studies, 548
panorama, 1151
shape, 952
surface, 952
patents, 126, 302–303, 372, 665
photogenic drawings, differences between,
photographic markets, 897
expanding tourist market, 897
photographic practices, 1088
photomicrography, 1120
plate for polishing, 371
plates with electroplating, 371
Plumbe, John Jr., 1138
Poland, 1141, 1142
popularity, 371–372
pornography, 1148, 1149
portrait painting, 1043–1044
competition, 1043
interaction, 1043–1044
painting over enlarged photographs, 1044
political portrait paintings, 1044
portraits, 371, 372, 677–678, 678, 753,
1138, 1473–1473
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