I 55
botany, 12661266
lectured and wrote, 1266
microscopy, 1266
Siderotype processes, 1155–1156
Siege of Paris, 1470
microphotography, 14
Sierra Nevada mountains, Brigman, Anne W.,
Sikkim, White, John Claude, 1496
Silhouettes, 670
Reutlinger, Charles, 1191
Silver, 857
Silver bromide, 1077–1078
gelatine silver print, 573
Silver bromide paper, 218–219, 1053
Silver chloride, 857, 1154
fi xing, 1077
Silver chloride paper, 1053
Silver halide, 487, 857
chemical development, 413
fi xing, 533–534
positive processes, 1154–1155
Silver nitrate, 240, 1077, 1377
physical development, 412
Schultze, Johann Heinrich, 1251
Silver sulphide, 534
Silver Sunbeam (Towler, J.), 180
Silvester, Alfred, 1266–1267
genre studies, 1266–1267
stereographs, 1266–1267
Silvy, Camille-Léon-Louis, 1267–1269, 1268
biography, 1269
clouds, 1267
fi rst carte-de-visite photographer in
London, 1268
France, 1267–1268
inventor, 1268–1269
landscape photography, 1267–1268
portraits, 1268
retouching, 1267
Société française de photographie, 1267
still lifes, 1267–1268
Simpson, George Wharton, 697, 1087, 1269
editor and writer, 1269
Sinai Peninsula, survey photography, 1362
Sinclair, James, 112
early photography, 1283, 1314–1315
Lambert, G.R. & Co., 815–816
photographic societies, 1283
Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, war
photography, 805
Sirot, George, 154
Skaife, Thomas, 1269–1270
instantaneous photography, 1269
Skeen, William Louis Henry, 1270
Ceylon, 1270
construction photography, 1270
Skeen and Co., 287
Skladanowsky, Max, 944
Sky chart, astronomical photography, 650–651
Paris Observatory, 650
Skylights, photographic studios, 1356
Sky photography, 1270–1271
combination prints, 1271
Le Gray, Gustave, 1271
photomontage, 1271
Slavery, 112
Sliding box cameras, 247, 254
Slingsby, Robert, 1271–1272
lighting, 1272
Smee, Alfred, 1272
chemistry of early photography, 1272
writer on electricity and electro-biology,
Smillie, Thomas W., 1272
Smithsonian Institution, 1275
fi rst photographer for, 1272
preparing Smithsonian traveling
exhibitions, 1275–1276
Smith, Adolphe, 644
Smith, Beck & Beck, 1272–1273
optical instrument makers, 1273
publishers and retailers of photographs,
stereoscopes, 1273
Smith, James, 1272–1273
Smith, John Shaw, 1273–1275
biography, 1274–1275
calotypes, extensive travel photography,
Smith, Samuel, 1275
Great Britain, 1275
waxed paper process, 1275
Smithsonian Institution, 1272, 1275–1276
active collections and exhibitions program,
developed traveling exhibitions, 1272
exhibitions, 1309
Native Americans, 1275
photography collections, 68, 1276
acquisitions, 1276
art photography, 1276
Smillie, Thomas W., 1275
preparing Smithsonian traveling
exhibitions, 1275–1276
Smyth, Charles Piazzi, 1124–1125
astronomical photography
establishing modern practice of high-
altitude observation, 1124
pioneering spectroscopy and infrared
astronomy, 1124
biography, 1125
Egypt, 1124–1125
fi rst stereoscopically illustrated book, 1124
Snapshot cameras, 80
Snapshot photography, 738, 1277–1279, see
also Hand cameras
amateur photographers, 1278
appropriate choice of subject, 1278
camera design, 1277
as candid photograph taken without
subject’s knowledge or permission,
exhibitions, 1278
Kodak cameras, 1278–1279
pejorative association, 1278
photographic societies, 1278
term “interpretation,” 1277
term “snapshot” originally, 1277
Snelling, Henry Hunt, 683, 1084, 1115, 1279
manuals, 1279
The Photographic Art Journal, writer and
editor, 1279
Snell’s law, 1027
Snow crystals, 592
Société Belge de Photographie, Fierlants,
Edmond, 530
Société d’encouragement pour l’Industrie
nationale, 843
Société française de photographie, 1280–1281,
1295, see also Société héliographique
administrative committee, 1280
Bulletin de Société française de
photographie, 1280
collections, 1281
collectors, 309–310
committees, 1280
Crémière, Léon, 344
Davanne, Louis-Alphonse, 387
founding member, 386
de Breébisson, Alphonse, founding
member, 393
Demachy, (Leon) Robert, 408
Durieu, Jean-Louis-Marie-Eugène, 456
exhibitions, 1280–1281, 1295
catalogues, 1281
Exposition Universelle in Paris, 1295
Fierlants, Edmond, founder member, 529
formal structure appropriate to learned
society, 1280
Foucault, Jean Bernard Leon, 542
founded November 15, 1854, 1280
founding members, 1280
Franck, François-Marie-Louis-Alexandre
Gobinet de Villecholles, 551
Greene, John Beasly, founding member, 620
Gros, Baron Jean Baptiste-Louis, founding
member, 623
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm, 633
Humbert de Molard, Baron Louis-Adolphe,
founding member, 724
innovations, 1281
Le Gray, Gustave, founder member, 834
Londe, Albert, 869
Lyte, Farnham Maxwell, founding member,
membership, 1280
Mestral, Auguste, founding member, 921
Nadar, 971
organizing statutes, 1280
Perier, Charles-Fortunat-Paul-Casimir,
founding member, 1059
Régnault, Henri-Victor, presidency,
reciprocal arrangements, 1281
Rousseau, Louis, founding member, 1214
scientifi c focus came to dominate, 1281
Silvy, Camille-Léon-Louis, 1267
Taupenot, Jean Marie, 1379, 1380
Société héliographique, 32, 684, 1281–1283,
1294, see also Société française de
characterized, 1281
Commission des Monuments Historiques,
Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugène, 402
exhibitions, 1282
Fenton, Roger, 526
fi rst photographic society, 1282
founding, 1282
France, fi rst photographic institution,
goals, 934
Gros, Baron Jean Baptiste-Louis, 681
founding member, 623
headquarters, 1282
Le Secq, Henri (Jean-Louis Henri Le Secq
des Tournelles), 838
La Lumière, 1282
members, 1282
Mission Héliographique, 934, 1282
Montfort, Benito de, 1282
albums, 936–937
founder, 936
meeting rooms in home of, 936
objective, 1282
Régnault, Henri-Victor, founding member,
Social class
pictorialism, 1129
postmortem photography, 1164