Let God Talk to You: When You Hear Him, You Will Never Be the Same

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David so deeply trusted God that he gave Him permission to
examine his anxious thoughts, expose any impure motives, and
not only change but remove any offensive ways from him.
I know this procedure well. For over twenty-five years, I’ve
daily chosen to write these very words in my journal and wait
for God to speak to me:

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

PSALM 139:23–24 NLT

Not a single day has gone by when God hasn’t gently
pointed out or blatantly exposed one or more of my anxious
thoughts, impure motives, or offensive actions that needed to
come under His power. Not one day.
Frankly, no one can cut to the chase like God. No one can
lay it out exactly as it is and still somehow convince you that
whatever it is that you’ve done wrong, it simply isn’t enough
to make Him stop loving you. And no matter what
inappropriate thing you’ve done or said, He is quick to give
you innovative (though often humbling) ideas on how to
restore or resolve the situation. No one but God can show you
your “stuff” and make it look so ugly and yet so conquerable
all at the same time. (In fact, just imagine how much money
you’d save in counseling fees if you took your “God Talks”
more seriously!)

I am convinced that it will be during your most honest
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