Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

and to informed Muslims these features are inseparable and

go all the way back to the time of Mohammed.^203 The legal
and political aspects of Islam are also instituted with the
unquestioning, divine authority of a religion. The morality
of Islam (the religion) is inseparable from the laws and
politics of Islam. In terms that might make more sense to a
Western reader: the Church and the State are one in Islam.
Whilst it makes no sense in Christianity or Buddhism for the
founder of each respective religion to have been a political
and military leader, in Islam this is unquestionably the truth.
Even if separation between Church and State is apparently
championed by some Muslims, that does not mean that such
a division is sanctioned within Islam, nor that such a
separation would endure for very long.

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