Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

the 1990s onwards. But rather than ensure the electorate
understood what Islam was, when Muslims proved they
could strike in the heart of the West on 9/11, the elite chose
to disseminate and maintain The Grand Lie rather than admit
that for decades this elite had failed their citizens and they
had imported into the West a new form of Nazism.
As with other twentieth-century forms of
totalitarianism, there is even an economics of Islam:
throughout history the economies and armies of Islam have
profited from the exploitation of untold millions of slaves,

sanctioned by the behaviour of Mohammed.^214 Here is how
the West’s greatest experts in the twentieth century defined
the core of Islam:

the system  of  beliefs and rituals based   on  the
Kur’an [...] a cultural complex, embracing
specific political structures and legal and
social traditions [...] In Europe [...] the
influence of Islam continues to decline.^215

It is clear from this Encyclopedia of Islam definition that
in the mid twentieth century the experts viewed Islam as
an entire political and legal system (of which religion is
but a part). There was no dispute that Islam was a
political system. This all-encompassing, totalitarian
system is now ignored by our elite, who separate “Islam”
from “Islamism” (a conceptual distinction unknown to
Muslims and unknown to Western experts on Islam before

the attacks on September 11th 2001).^216 In the twenty-
first century this new concept “Islamism” was invented to

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