Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

The elite try to minimise the impact of these brave
independent researchers by branding them
“Islamophobic”. For example, Robert Spencer and
Pamela Geller were banned from entering the UK by a
supposedly “right wing” government, despite both banned
authors supporting democracy and universal human

rights, and both authors being opposed to violence.^329
Following further terrorist attacks on British people, the
politician behind that ban (Theresa May) went on to lie to
the public and repeated The Grand Lie: Islam is a “religion
of peace”. Itʼs quite clear why the Quisling politicians do
not want to allow into Britain people brave enough and
knowledgeable enough to speak publicly the truth about
Islam. Some years later, as then Prime Minister, Theresa
May visited the USA in an official capacity to meet the
new President Donald Trump, and she just continued the
refrain: “but of course, we should always be careful to
distinguish between this extreme and hateful ideology, and

the peaceful religion of Islam”.^330 On her return to
Britain, the politician who had banned entry to writers
who had reminded the West of truths about Islam our
ancestors had acknowledged from the eight and the
twentieth centuries, PM May proceeded to denounce
President Trump for his proposed “ban” on the citizens of

certain Islamic states from entering the USA.^331 The
double-standards of Theresa May are absolutely breath-
taking, but from the journalists and politicians whose job it
is to criticise the party in power there came nothing but

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