(Elle) #1

old pagan temples into churches. He accepted and forthwith
an imperial edict was issued to that effect.^6
The first temple to be transformed was the Serapium.
Its colossal dimensions comprised three temples for the
worship of Serapis, Isis, and Anubis.^7 This dream in marble
was also the sanctuary of knowledge: it comprised the
famous "Library of Alexandria," as well as a Museum.
After the work of transformation was set in motion,
the section which served as the inner sanctuary of Serapis
was modified to become the church. Removing the colossus
of Serapis, the workers found that it had carved on its base, a
cross encircled by hieroglyphs meaning "the life to come."^8
This symbolic inscription worked like magic in transforming
many a pagan into a Christian.

  1. In conformity with his zeal for the extension of God's
    kingdom; Abba Theophilus maintained a keen interest in the
    Christian community of North Africa, in the five towns of the
    Pentapolis. This community was part of the See of St.
    Mark's Chair, and constituted a flourishing Church that kept
    in touch with Alexandria, and looked to it for inspiration.
    During the times of Abba Theophilus, it enjoyed the
    leadership of a bishop called Bishop Synesius whose
    vigorous and attractive personality widened his circle of
    contacts. A close friendship developed between him and St.
    Mark's Successor a fact substantiated by numerous letters
    exchanged between them and still extant. This fraternal
    fellowship helped both the Pope and his Suffragan^8 to serve
    the Church in greater measure.^10

  2. The activities of Abba Theophilus in church
    expansion demanded the cooperation of leaders from among
    his flock. He was blessed with having such leaders who
    were eager to harness their talents to the service of Christ.

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