The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1


  1. The Round Dance of the Cross
    Critical edition of the Round Dance of the Cross, in the Acts of John: Eric Junod
    and Jean-Daniel Kaestli, Acta Johannis. Scholarly studies: Arthur J. Dewey, "The
    Hymn in the Acts of John"; Knut Schaferdiek, "The Acts of John," in Wilhelm
    Schneemelcher, ed., New Testament Apocrypha, 2.152-212.

  2. The Songs of Solomon
    Editions of the Songs of Solomon: Rendel Harris and Alphonse Mingana, The
    Odes and Psalms of Solomon; English translation: Willis Barnstone, ed., The Other
    Bible, 275-85; James H. Charlesworth, The Odes of Solomon. Scholarly studies:
    James H. Charlesworth, Critical Reflections on the Odes of Solomon; Gerald R.
    Blaszcak, A Formcritical Study of Selected Odes of Solomon.

  3. The Song of the Pearl
    Translations and scholarly studies of the Song of the Pearl: Gunther Bornkamm,
    "The Acts of Thomas," in Edgar Hennecke and Wilhelm Schneemelcher, eds., New
    Testament Apocrypha, 2.498-504; English translation: Willis Barnstone, "The
    Hymn of the Pearl," in Willis Barnstone, ed., The Other Bible, 299-307; Han J. W
    Drijvers, "The Acts of Thomas," in Wilhelm Schneemelcher, ed., New Testament
    Apocrypha, 2.380-85; Robert M. Grant, Gnosticism, 116-22; Bentley Layton, The
    Gnostic Scriptures, 371-75. Layton's book includes additional bibliography.

  4. The Book of Thomas
    Critical edition of the Book of Thomas, with introduction, Coptic text, English
    translation, and notes: John D. Turner and Bentley Layton, "The Book of Thomas
    the Contender Writing to the Perfect," in Bentley Layton, ed., Nag Hammadi
    Codex 11,2-7, 2.171-205. English translation: John D. Turner, "The Book of
    Thomas the Contender," in James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in
    English. Scholarly studies: Raymond Kuntzmann, Le Livre de Thomas; Hans-Mar-
    tin Schenke, "The Book of Thomas," in Wilhelm Schneemelcher, ed., New Testa-
    ment Apocrypha, 1.232-40; John D. Turner, The Book of Thomas the Contender.

  5. The Exegesis on the Soul
    Critical edition of the Exegesis on the Soul, with introduction, Coptic text, Eng-
    lish translation, and notes: William C. Robinson, Jr., and Bentley Layton, "The Ex-
    pository Treatise on the Soul," in Bentley Layton, ed., Nag Hammadi Codex 11,2-7,
    2.135-69. English translation: William C. Robinson, Jr., and Maddalena Scopello,
    "The Exegesis on the Soul," in James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library
    in English. Scholarly studies: Hedda Bethge, ed., "Die Exegese uber die Seele";

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