Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1
To get a prescription:

Der Arzt hat Antibiotika verordnet.
The doctor prescribed antibiotics.

In Deutschland kann man Antibiotika nicht in der Apotheke kaufen,
sondern man muss sie sich vom Arzt verschreiben lassen.
In Germany you cannot buy antibiotics in a pharmacy. You have to
go to the doctor’s to get a prescription.

Dieses Medikament ist rezeptpflichtig.
This medicine is available only on prescription.

Medically tested medication:

Diese Salbe wurde medizinisch geprüft.
This ointment has been medically tested.

(e) Operations

jmdn. an etw. (= dat.) operieren ‘to operate on sb.’s sth.’

Meine Nachbarin wird morgen an der Galle operiert.
My neighbour is having an operation on her gall-bladder

 See 66.2a (p. 197) for expressing good wishes for health and speedy recovery.

111 Expressing happiness, fear and sadness

111.1 Describing mood in general

-e Stimmung/Laune ‘mood’
guter/schlechter Laune sein ‘to be in a good/bad mood’
gut gelaunt sein ‘to be in a good mood’

Heute war mein Fahrlehrer besonders gut gelaunt.
My driving instructor was in a particularly good mood today.

-e Laune (n) also means mood, but has a slightly negative connotation:

Er hat seine Launen.
He has his moods.

Er ist meistens recht launisch.
He is quite bad tempered most of the time.

The idiomatic expression vor lauter indicates that someone does something ‘for
sheer... ’ vor lauter Freude/Ärger/Schreck ‘for sheer joy/out of sheer annoyance/

Die Kellnerin ließ vor lauter Schreck die Weingläser fallen.
The waitress dropped the wine glasses out of sheer fright.

Expressing happiness/fear/sadness
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