dass 8.2; omitted 8.4
daß (see spelling reform) 59
dating and meeting 74.10
dative see cases 19; declensions 28.1, 44;
declension weak masculine nouns 28.2;
personal pronouns in the dat. 30.2;
prepositions taking the dat. 19.4; two-case
prepositions taking either acc. or dat. 18.3,
19.5; verbs taking the dat 19.6–8; with
parts of the body 23.2e, 37.4, 110.11; in
basic sentence patterns 42.3a–d and j–k
deadline 81.15c
Dear Mr/Mrs 60.7
death 65.3a, b, 110.9
declaring sth. solemnly 100.4
declension of adjectives 28.5, der-declension
44; ein-declension 45; extended adjectival
phrases 49; invariable endings 47.1; non-
declinable adjectives 47.3; of nouns 28.1,
44, 45; parallel endings 46.6; of plurals 29;
possessive adjectives 30.3; predicative
43.1, 48.5; weak declension 28.2; zero
declension 46, 48.5
declining help 67.5; declining an invitation or
offer 96.3; declining permission 97.2;
declining rejecting suggestions 98b
definite article 22
definitions 75.1
demanding one’s rights 94.3; satisfying
demands 112.2
demolished 70.4
demonstrative das 10.5b, 31.2
demonstrative pronouns: see pronouns 10.5
demzufolge 79.2
denen 10.2, 80.7
denn 6.1, 79.1; as modal particle 117.1c
denying permission 97.2; denying/rejecting an
assertion 100.1–3
dependent clauses 8, 10
depending 82.5
depressed 111.3e
der-declension 44
der – das – die as definite article 22; as relative
pronoun 10.2
deren 10.2
derjenige 24.1
derselbe 24.1
der words 24.1
describing: actions and processes 76; distance
80.3; objects 75; origins and provenance
78; people 74; spatial context 80; of states
75.4; time 81
deshalb 79.2, 83.2
desires: different types of desires 93.2–3;
inquiring after need 93.4
desiring 93 see also needs, wishes: where one
has a justified claim 93.1
dessen 10.2
desto 48.6e see also je
destroyed 70.4
deswegen 79.2, 83.2e
detail: requesting more detail 119.6
determination 34.4, 103
determiners 24, 31
die 22, as relative pronoun 10.2
dieser 24.1, 31.1
different 76.8e–f
dimension 75.3
diphthong 2
direct and indirect objects: see acc.; see dat.; word
order 12
direct questions 7; see also talking and
enquiring about existence 69.1a; seeking
information 73.1–2, offering advice 91.3;
asking about reason 79.3
direct speech: use of colon 59.5b
direction 78.1, 80.5: direction with motion
verbs and the acc. 18.5
disagreement 109.1b, d see also agreement
disappointment 113.3: at failing to do sth.
disbelief 100.2
disclaiming personal responsibility 88.2
disease 110.10
dislikes 58.2, 104; see also likes
dissatisfaction 112; see also satisfaction
distance 80.3–4; covering distance 80.4;
describing distances 80.3; distance with
motion verbs and the acc. 18.5
doch 91.2, 117.1c, 120.4d
doctors 110.12
doesn’t have to/need not 35.7, 86.4–5
doing without 70.4i
dort 80.2
double infinitives 5.4
double plural forms 29.9
doubting 85.1, 88; defining the degree of
certainty 88.1; owing to limited
knowledge 88.2d
drinking 63; see also eating, restaurant/café
du 30.2, 60.1; see duzen
dummy subject es 15.1, 42.3
duration 81.11
durch 18.2; in the passive voice 40.3