A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


the analogy, which there is betwixt belief, and
other acts of the mind, and find the cause of
the firmness and strength of conception: And
this I do not esteem a difficult task. The tran-
sition from a present impression, always en-
livens and strengthens any idea. When any ob-
ject is presented, the idea of its usual attendant
immediately strikes us, as something real and
solid. It is felt, rather than conceived, and ap-
proaches the impression, from which it is de-
rived, in its force and influence. This I have
proved at large. I cannot add any new argu-

I had entertained some hopes, that however
deficient our theory of the intellectual world
might be, it would be free from those contra-
dictions, and absurdities, which seem to attend
every explication, that human reason can give

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