Wear Place near your cash counter or work place Just display at your workplace and let it radiate its energy Keep beside bedsid ...
Assists in healing any illness faster Act as anti-inflammatory Stimulates metabolism Boost immune system Act as detoxifier and ...
Green Aventurine for EMF Green Aventurine also protects and absorbs EMF if placed near your auric field or between you and gadge ...
Article 93 Solar Eclipse and Moon Rituals Today is Solar Eclipse, a very right time to put your thoughts into actions and wishes ...
-‐ Moon Basket -‐ New Moon and Candle Ritual Best is to make Moon Water during eclipses as the energy is highly intense and lo ...
Article 94 Crystals and Chakras Crystals have been used for healing since ancient times. Each crystal has their own multiple hea ...
THROAT Blue Kyanite, Turquoise, Lapis lazuli, Blue lace agate, Sodalite, Amazonite THIRD EYE Amethyst, Kyanite, Lolite, Selenite ...
Article 95 Candle Ritual for Full Moon Hello Dear ones, Seeing my fortnight moon rituals obsession, recently one of my friend as ...
Trust that you are free of all the blockages and stagnant energies. See, it is as simple as that. Charge your candle with intent ...
Article 96 Different ways of Cord Cutting What are etheric cords? In simple terms, etheric cords are those unseen ropes/cords th ...
burning it in violet flame. Draw the power symbol over your chakra as well as on the other person and heal the person. Instead o ...
Article 9 7 22 Innovative Ways To Heal With Antahkarana Symbol Antahkarana is an ancient healing symbol which does not need any ...
During reiki sessions, place symbol directly face down on chakras or organs and give reiki by placing palms few inches above it ...
Article 98 Treating PCOD/PCOS with Reiki What is PCOS or PCOD? PCOS means Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and PCOD is Polycystic Ova ...
Call upon Archangel Gabriel, who is known to help with the issues of fertility. Call upon Archangel Raphael to heal your PCOS/P ...
Article 99 Bury Your Blockages Have you done everything you come across to bring peace, love and tranquility in life but to no a ...
Method- -‐ Take a big bowl filled with rock/Epsom/Himalayan salt. -‐ Same as above, pick an object resonating with your wish, ...
Article 100 Angelic Elixirs The home-made method of Angelic Elixirs contains the energy of Archangels/Angels, crystals and Reiki ...
Transition, Comforts the dying, Grief Archangel Azrael Yellow Calcite, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz Develop Intuition Archangel Cas ...
Place water filled glass or bottle over it. Place selected crystals around your bottle. You can add few drops of essential oils ...
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