Article 19 Mirror Mirror all around How does mirror actually protect us? Mirrors reflect whatever surrounds its energy field. It ...
§ Mirror to cleanse your aura- Stand in front of mirror. Stare at your reflection. Keep only happy and positive thoughts in you ...
Article 20 Rama Symbol Rama symbol is one of the symbols of Karuna® Reiki. It means God or Lord Rama. To be able to use this sym ...
§ Brings responsibility. Heal the person with this symbol who is irresponsible to make him responsible. The Rama symbol has the ...
Article 21 6 Psychic Protection Techniques It is very important to protect yourself from psychic attacks when you are a Reiki he ...
Article 22 Communication with Higher-Self Who and what is Higher-self? Higher-self is the real you, your soul consciousness. You ...
Next morning you may remember the dream, bits of conversation or some change in your behavior. Even if you don’t remember or fe ...
Start typing/writing the question and request your Higher-self to answer. The first instinct that gut feeling you get is the an ...
Article 23 Life After Reiki Few days back a random thought popped. What was my life before Reiki? Why I was not introduced to Re ...
Darshan Bafna Reiki has truly transformed my life beyond words. It has helped me grow in all levels of life and allowed me to ac ...
Charisma Phatak When my elder son was 2 year old, he was detected with severe respiratory disease. He was critically ill and fev ...
to change. From negative to positive thinking. There is more peace, happiness, love, calmness, abundance in my life now. Jhilmil ...
Article 24 Psychic Ability after Reiki Attunement Everyone has some sort of psychic ability which they call intuition or gut fee ...
so extremely clairvoyant that they can get flashes of past and future. Some can also see their angels and guides or discarnate o ...
Article 25 Imara Reiki What is Imara Reiki? Imara Reiki was founded by Barton Wendel and his brother Geoffrey Wendell and it was ...
The energy flow will stop when you decide to stop it, your intuition will guide you when to finish the session. Healing others- ...
Article 26 New Moon Abundance Checks/Cheques – The Reiki Way Most of us know the concept of Abundance checks/cheques. The concep ...
Article 27 Nentatsu Ho The meaning of Nentatsu ho is: Nen – Attention, care, concern, desire, feeling, idea, sense, thought. Tat ...
Article 28 Rose Healing for Relationships Rose has profound healing properties; it heals on physical, emotional as well as psych ...
Visualize the rose disappearing into the heart and engulfing him/her with loving and divine energy, forgetting all the misunder ...
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