Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)
No interaction model RORE*vs:E** ¼exp½ðE* 1 E** 1 Þb 1 þðE* 2 E** 2 Þb 2 þ...þðE*k 1 E**k 1 Þbk 1 Thegeneral odds ratio ...
V. The Model and Odds Ratio for Several Exposure Variables (No Interaction Case) q variables:E 1 ,E 2 ,...,Eq (dichotomous, ordi ...
In general qvariables 6 ¼k1 dummy variables This formula is the same as that for a single exposure variable with several cate ...
VI. The Model and Odds Ratio for Several Exposure Variables with Confounders and Interaction As a second example, suppose we com ...
ROR (no interaction):bs only ROR (interaction):bs andds The previous odds ratio formula that we gave for several exposures but n ...
General model Several exposures Confounders Effect modifiers logit PðÞ¼X aþb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 þ... þbqEqþ~ p 1 i¼ 1 giVi þE 1 ~ p ...
We assume the sameWjfor each exposure variable e.g., AGE and SEX areWs for eachE. Odds ratio for severalEs: E*¼ E* 1 ;E* 2 ;...; ...
AGE and SEX controlled asVs as well asWs RORs depend on values ofWs (AGE and SEX) Maximum Likelihood (ML) Techniques: An Ov ...
Detailed Outline I. Overview(pages 76–77) A. Focus: computing OR forE, Drelationship adjusting for confounding and effect modifi ...
IV. The model and odds ratio for a nominal exposure variable (no interaction case)(pages 82–84) A. No interaction model involvin ...
B. Example of model involving three exposure variables: logit PðÞ¼X aþb 1 SMKþb 2 PALþb 3 SBP þ~ p 1 i¼ 1 giVi: C. The odds rati ...
C. The general model: logit PðÞ¼X aþb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2 þþbqEq þ~ p 1 i¼ 1 giViþE 1 ~ p 2 j¼ 1 d 1 jWj þE 2 ~ p 2 j¼ 1 d 2 jWjþ ...
Practice Exercises Given the model logit PðXÞ¼aþbEþg 1 ðSMKÞþg 2 ðHPTÞþd 1 ðESMKÞ þd 2 ðEþHPTÞ; where SMK (smoking status) and ...
State the logit form of a logistic model that treats region as a polytomous exposure variable and controls for the confounding ...
Test 1. Given the following logistic model logit P(X)¼aþbCATþg 1 AGEþg 2 CHL, where CAT is a dichotomous exposure variable and A ...
a. Give an expression for the odds ratio that compares a person who has SSU¼5 to a person who has SSU¼0, controlling for AGE and ...
Suppose the model in Question 5 is revised to contain interaction terms: logit PðXÞ¼aþb 1 NSþb 2 OCþb 3 AFSþg 1 AGEþg 2 RACE þd ...
Answers to Practice Exercises F: the correct odds ratio expression is exp[bþ d 1 (SMK)þd 2 (HPT)] T F: the correct odds ratio e ...
4 Maximum Likelihood Techniques: An Overview n Contents Introduction 104 Abbreviated Outline 104 Objectives Presentation 106 Det ...
Introduction In this chapter, we describe the general maximum like- lihood (ML) procedure, including a discussion of like- lihoo ...
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